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readeſt? So we may ſay, Underſtandeſt thou what thou heareſt? Are your eyes opened to ſee the wonders of his law or doctrine; to ſee the glory of Chriſt held out to you in his word.

2. Faith takes the word of God by a particular application of it with the heart; inſomuch that it is a cordial apprehenſion, or a cordial aſſent that is given to the word; with the heart man believeth unto righteouſneſs. Saving light goes to the heart. Many have only their heads enlightened, their judgments informed, but not their hearts engaged, nor their affections captivated. Faith is a cordial applying the word, and that particularly to the man's own benefit: whether we call it aſſurance or not, it comes to the ſame thing: as when in conviction the threatening is applied, the man trembles under the fear of hell and wrath, becauſe he applies the law threatening to himſelf, ſaying, I'm the man to whom this threatening is ſpoken ; ſo in the day of converſion or believing, the promiſe is applied, the man is relieved with the view of the grace and mercy of God in Chriſt, becauſe he applies the goſpel-promiſe to himſelf, ſaying, "I am the man to whom this promiſeis