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is ſpoken, and I receive and reſt upon Chriſt for ſalvation, as he is promiſed or offered in this goſpel: To me is this word of ſalvation." And if the man did not take it to himſelf, there would be no believing at all. But then,

IV. The fourth thing propoſed, was, to ſhew how faith pleads the accompliſhment of the promiſe.

I. It pleads upon the mercy that made the promiſe, that it is everlaſting mercy, unchangeable mercy; the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious.

2. It pleads upon the truth that is to make out the promiſe; it is called, The truth in Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, Mic. vii. 20, that his name is faithful and true.

3. It pleads upon the power of the promiſer, being fully perſuaded, that he that hath promiſed is able to perform: that he hath not out-promiſed his own promiſe, or ſaid what he cannot do.

4. It pleads upon the blood of the covenant that ſeals all the promiſes thereof; hence they are all yea and amen in Chriſt Jeſus.

5. It pleads upon the love of God to Chriſt; this is to pray in his name, that God, for the love he bears to Chriſt, would do as he hath ſaid.