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6. It pleads upon the unchangeableneſs of God and of his word: that his word endureth for ever, and that he is God, and changes not, therefore the ſons of Jacob are not comſumed.

7. In a word, it pleads upon his oath, Heb. vi. 17. "God, willing more abundantly to ſhew unto the heirs of promiſe the immutability of his counſel, hath confirmed it by an oath, that by two inmutable things, in which it was impoſſible for God to lie, we might have ſtrong conſolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope ſet before us."

8. And laſtly, It pleads upon his name, What wilt thou do for thy great name.

V. The fifth thing propoſed, was, To ſhew whence is this the buſineſs of faith to take God at his word, and to put him to his word. Why? — Becauſe,

I. It is the end and deſign of God in giving his word; Theſe things are written, and ſpoken, that we may believe in the Son of God, and that believing we might have life in his name. John xx. 31. The goſpel is preached in vain, if men do not take God at his word, and then hang upon it.