Page:Famous battle fought on the Sherriff Muir, on the 13th day of November, 1715.pdf/3

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Sir John Shaw, that great Knight,
With broad-ſword moſt bright,
On horſe-back he brightly did charge,
An hero that's bold, (man:
None could him withold:
He ſtoutly encounter'd the targe-men.
And we ran, &c.

For the cowardly Whittam,
For fear they ſhould cut him.
Seeing glittering broad-ſwords, with
a paw, man;
And that in great thrang
Made Baird Edicang,
And from the brave Clans ran awa', man.
And we ran, &c.

Brave Mar and Panmuir
Were firm, I am ſure:
The latter was kidnapt awa', man;
With briſle men about,
Brave Hury retook
His brother, and laught at them a', man.
And we ran, &c.

Brave Marſhull and Lithgow,
And Glengary's pith too,

Aſſiſted by brave Login, man;