Page:Famous battle fought on the Sherriff Muir, on the 13th day of November, 1715.pdf/4

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And Gordon, the bright,
So boldly did fight,
The red coats took flight, and awa', manː
And we ran, &c.

Strathmore and Clanronald,
Cry'd ſtill, Advance Donald,
Till both theſe heroes did fa', man!
For there was ſuch haſhing,
And broad-ſwords a-claſhing,
Brave Forfar himſelf got a claw, man.
And we ran, &c.

Lord Perth ſtood the ſtorm,
Seaforth but luke-warmː
Kilſyth and Strathallan not ſla', man;
And Hamilton pled
The men was not bred,
For he had no fancy to fa', man.
And we ran, &c.

Brave gen'rous Southeſk,
Tullibardin was briſk,
Whoſe father indeed would not draw, manː
Into the ſame yoke,
Which ſerv'd for a cloak,
To keep the eſtate 'twixt them twa, manː
And we ran, &c.