Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/127

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girdle hanging in front; veil of gold and gauze floating at back.

FREEMASON, FEMALE. Black velvet dress; white satin Watteau sacque, trimmed with svvansdown; swansdown ruff at throat; hair powdered; quaint velvet hood, studded with pearls and Masonic emblems; a Master Mason's apron and collar of office, with pendent gauntlets and Masonic jewels; clock at girdle.

FRENCH PEASANT-GIRL. Pink and white striped petticoat, short blue and white over-skirt; black velvet basqued bodice, low square, with shoulder-straps; white low chemisette and short sleeves, bodice laced in front over white, with blue and white cord; white apron, with pink and blue bows; dainty muslin cap. This character admits of many varieties and mixtures of colour. (See also White Dresses. For other French costumes see Empire, Incroyable,Merveilleuse, Boulogne Fishwife, Normandy, &c.)

FRIESLAND PEASANT. The bust is encased in two bodices, one of cloth with sleeves of bright-coloured silk; over it another, tightly laced with red or yellow ribbon, the tags of gold or silver on the left side for unmarried, on the right for married women. Out of doors, a short jacket with sleeves of printed calico, embroidered in gold or silver, is worn. The head-dress is most peculiar, made of striped calico, and kept out in a helmet shape by starch. It is after the old Phrygian order. The under-petticoat is of crimson cloth, with black border; over it a black plaited one, with velvet border; silk apron; chatelaine silk bag, with silver mountings; bunch of keys hanging on other side.

FRIQUETTE (Les Pres St Genmse). Short blue silk skirt, with white muslin lace-edged flounces; muslin apron with forget-me-nots and roses on pockets; muslin kerchief and high Cauchoise cap, with forget-me-nots; hair in long plaits; high-heeled shoes, blue stockings.

FROST. (See Winter.)

FROST, MRS. JACK. Poke bonnet for head-dress; white dress and cloak.

FUCHSIA. Dress of red satin, made in the form of a fuchsia, and laced up the back; sleeves also shaped like