Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/128

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fuchsias, with pearl and other pendent beads; cap of fuchsia form; small fuchsias attached to bracelet and necklet. Or, a bodice made with no visible fastening, an effect produced by-turning up the two back leaves and having them laced together after dress is on; sleeves in the form of fuchsia with the stamens falling on the arm to elbow; made of pearls and other beads; cap; a complete fuchsia necklace and bracelets formed of several pendent fuchsia.

FUN. (See Folly.)

GABRIELLE D'ESTREES (Mispress of Henry IV.), 1589. She was dazzlingly fair, with brilliant dark eyes, and had abundant hair worn brushed back from the forehead and temples in a double roll, and encircling the head in coils, entwined with pearls. Her rich brocades stood alone. Flemish or English point lace should be worn. Bodice long-waisted, close-fitting, high to neck, with Elizabethan ruff. She was fond of black satin, embroidered in pearls and precious stones. Her dainty silk stockings and high-heeled shoes were famous. Violet velvet over skirt and bodice; sleeves trimmed with fine Indian muslin to wrist; plain white satin under-skirt trimmed with gold lace, and gold cord over a farthingale; violet velvet head-dress, with white feathers; large ruff of pointed lace.

GAINSBOROUGH (After), generally represented by the famous Duchess of Devonshire. This celebrated picture was 60 inches high by 45 wide; it was supposed to have been painted about 1783. It is described as "Duchess of Devonshire in a white dress, and blue silk petticoat and sash, and a large black hat and feathers." The figure is shown only to knees. Supposed to be a portrait of Georgiana, the beautiful Duchess of Devonshire. In 1876, it was purchased for £10,100 Mr. Agnew, and shortly after it was stolen. Blue satin flowing skirt; long over-skirt of figured cream silk; long sleeves and belted bodice of same; kerchief, bordered with frill, crosses in front, ends disappear in waist band. Hair powdered, and turned off face in a large roll, larger at the sides than the top, ends curled, floating on shoulders; or the hair powdered; long strip of muslin entwined with it, forming a turban; almond-coloured kid mittens; high-heeled black shoes; very large hat of velvet or satin, with plumes. May be carried out in