Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/55

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BOTHWELL, COUNTESS OF. Coloured satin train over white satin skirt, embroidered in gold-coloured satin; pointed bodice trimmed with gold; high ruff; pearl ornaments; Marie Stuart head-dress.

BOULANGÈRE, LA BELLE. Orange silk skirt, short, covered with white lace, headed by ruching; low bodice, pointed in front, the back cut in one with the train, made of striped satin and bunched up; elbow sleeves; lace apron with bib and cap. A fan hangs at one side, at the other a hook with baker's "mark-boards."

BOULE DE NEIGE (A White Rose). Dress of frosted tulle over white satin, the front a mass of white roses, without leaves, set in puffings of white tulle, spangled with dewdrops. Tunic of frosted tulle, bordered with rose-leaves, and caught up with roses, rosebuds, and leaves. Long white satin bodice and waistcoat of silver brocade, edged with green leaves; a cluster of white roses on left of bodice. Long white gloves, with three bands of small rose-leaves, tuft of rosebuds and leaves at the top of each; fan of green leaves, scattered over with rose-petals; wreath of white roses and leaves. A few white petals about the hair. Or white muslin kilted skirt, satin Princess polonaise, trimmed with balls of swansdown which also form bertha to low bodice; necklace, snow balls; cap and veil.


BOUQUETIER (Louis XV.). Coat of biscuit broché silk, bound with garnet velvet; buttons to match; lace cravat; gilt basket of flowers slung round the figure with velvet; short plaited skirt.

BOUQUETIER IN WATTEAU'S TIME. Striped skirt and full bodice with long basques and sleeves, fichu of muslin over the bust, white muslin cap with frill.

BOURBONNAISE, LA BELLE. Yellow short skirt, bound with black. Blue overskirt, low black velvet bodice, with long sleeves and laced in front. A straw hat at the back of the head, trimmed with black velvet and red roses; silver arrow in the hair, violin carried in the hand.

BOURGEOISE (of Louis XV. time). Grey silk skirt, having lace flounces; pink over-dress and mantle, showing grey