Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/56

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stomacher; pink shoes, with diamond buckles; grey stockings; head-dress of Brussels lace and pink ribbons; diamond ornaments.

BRADWARDINE, ROSE (Waverley). Costume of last century; train from shoulders, and low-pointed bodice of old brocade, satin, or velvet, over quilted petticoat; small satin hat, with roses and feathers; powdered hair.

BRANKSOME, LADY OF (Lay of the Last Minstrel). Long velvet train over satin petticoat; richly trimmed or embroidered sleeves; slashed high bodice, with lace ruff covered with jewels; jewelled coronet and veil.

BRENDA AND MINNA TROIL (The Pirate). Good costumes for two sisters. Minna, dark, proud, and sad; Brenda, fair and glad. The scene is laid in 1724, and the dresses are of Norwegian type. Minna a short, amber petticoat trimmed with fringe; a gold bronze velvet, low, square bodice over white chemisette high to the throat; hair hanging in two long plaits, amber handkerchief knotted about it. Or pale amber silk sacque over petticoat of cream quilted satin, ruffles to sleeves, kerchief and apron of old lace, double falling ruff at neck, and snood of yellow ribbon. Brenda, same in salmon and cinnamon. Minna may also wear a riding-dress, with cavalier hat and plume, and Brenda, blue skirt bound with brown, full-sleeved chemisette bodice of cream colour, with old silver charms and clasps; sleeveless jacket of pale blue Indian silk; blue silk stockings, shoes of untanned leather; flowing hair bound with old silver beads or ribbon.

BRETON. Short coloured skirt with horizontal rows of black velvet to waist, or bordered with Breton embroidery; low Breton bodice laced, and short sleeves of contrasting colour, showing high linen chemisette and long sleeves; large, square embroidered apron trimmed with silver fringe, and oblong pockets; black shoes, clocked stockings; Breton lace cap with flowers; large silver Breton cross and ornaments on black velvet. Any amount of embroidery and spangles admissible. The form of bodice and cap will be best gleaned from Plate II., Fig. 7. In the present day black cloth, silk, or satin skirts are worn, showing a white cambric chemisette; above the waist an elaborately folded, starched and embroidered band with silver or gold ornament. Head-dress of white cambric with bows and ends standing out at side,