Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/139

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Nervous Gentleman—And now I want a couple of pair with some sort of design, not clocks.

Oscar—Stars, circles, dots, triangles, squares, circles, stars, squares, dots——

Nervous Gentleman—Some very quiet design.

Oscar—[Contemplates the shelves.] Quiet, quiet . . . Just a moment, sir. I'll bring it right here. [He hurries off through the archway.]

Dissatisfied Lady—These are rather good. But I only see one.

Juhasz—There must be more. [He rummages in the box.]

Thorough Young Lady—Now, if you don't mind, we will go over the lot from the beginning. Seeing so many kinds gets one all confused.

Philip—Just as you say, madame.

Oscar—[Re-enters with a box.] How do you like these, sir? [Puts it on the counter.]

Nervous Gentleman—Too loud. Much too loud. I want something very quiet.

Oscar—[Greatly perturbed.] If I only knew where they were. [In perplexity.] Quiet, quiet, quiet . . . [Looks at Philip.] If I only knew where those . . . [As Philip ignores him, he raises his voice.] They used to be kept here on the third shelf.

Juhasz—[Grudgingly, angrily.] Fourth shelf