Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/140

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. . . on the end. [Philip angrily bangs a box down on the counter.]

Oscar—My God! [Startled, puts his hand over his heart.] Thank you, thank you, sir! . . . On the end . . . [Transported with joy.] Very kind of you, sir! [He is almost weeping.] Fourth shelf . . . on the end. Thank you, sir!

Dissatisfied Lady—[Who has by this time accumulated a handful of neckties.] That will be all. . . . Just these ten.

Juhasz—[Going to the cashier's desk.] We will send them this afternoon, madame.

Dissatisfied Lady—How much do I owe?

Juhasz—Five times seven . . . and five times five fifty. . . . Sixty-two fifty.

Dissatisfied Lady—[Gives him a hundred krone note.] If you please.

Juhasz—[Has gone behind the cashier's desk.] Sixty-two fifty. [Rings the cash register, makes change.] And fifty are sixty-three, ninety, one hundred. Thank you.

Dissatisfied Lady—This afternoon without fail.

Oscar—[Raises his head.] 16 Nador Street, Fourth Floor, Apartment 1.

Dissatisfied Lady—That's right. Good day. [She exits. Juhasz escorts her to the door, closes it after her, turns, glares at Oscar and comes toward him slowly.]