Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/57

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Count—That is very interesting. [Looks around.] Where is your wife?

Juhasz—That's just it, your excellency.

Count—I don't understand.

Juhasz—My wife is going to divorce me and marry Oscar. The business is to be taken over by a receiver to-morrow morning. And here I stand, all alone in the world and free as a bird.

Count—[Jovially.] My dear Juhasz, you are not a bird, you are now general manager . . . or no . . . general director of the Gerelypuszta Cheese Exporting Company.

Juhasz—Your excellency's generosity is boundless.

Count—The excellence of Gerelypuszta cheese is boundless, and my luck is boundless to get you back again. Juhasz, I wouldn't trust my own brother with that cheese . . . but I'll trust you with it.

Juhasz—I shall be very happy if. . . .

Count—I shall be happy. When can you come? Drive down with me to-night.

Juhasz—Excellency, my things, my house. . . .

Count—How soon can you come?

Juhasz—Well . . . perhaps the end of this week . . . or the beginning of next.

Count—The sooner the better. You can't come soon enough to suit me. [Rises.] I congratulate myself. [Paula enters through the archway.]