Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/58

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Now we will organize things on a big scale, Juhasz. We shall become an international enterprise. Gerelypuszta Cheeses, Ltd.!. . . And as to my neighbor and competitor, Baron Goldberger, we'll settle him!. . . But, my dear friend, how selfish of me! I forgot all about your troubles.

Juhasz—And I forgot all about your caps, excellency. [Starts to go.] Excuse me a moment.

Paula—The caps just came. Philip is wrapping them up.

Juhasz—One is to go in with that jockey suit. [He exits through the archway. There is a pause.]

Count—Well, Miss Paula, what do you think of it?

Paula—It's a gorgeous red, your excellency.

Count—What is?

Paula—The cap.

Count—You little rogue! You know very well I mean this . . . er . . . domestic tragedy.

Paula—What can I think of it, your excellency? [Comes nearer to him.] I know what it means to me. I've lost my job.

Count—How's that? Can't you stay on with the new boss?

Paula—I suppose I could, but mother wouldn't dream of letting me. . . . She only let me work for Mr. Juhasz because he has been a sort of second father to me. But I know she won't let me stay