Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/160

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loth and installed 19th Dec. 1660, <>n the death "i

the last prebendary. Chahi.i.s Horn 1 , A.M., collated [6th Oct. and installed

2 ist Oct. 1661, vice Holingworth deoeased. Died 7th

March 1666-7. EinvAiiD Ki 1 me, A.M.. installed 3rd dan. 1667-S. David Llewellin, \.M . afterwards prebendary of Pe

terborough, oollated 30th May 1672. vice Keens de- w d ; he resigned in 1 675. William Durham, 8.T.P., collated fist Aug. 1675,

vice Llewellin. Richard Carr, A.M.. Bnoceeded 6th Aug. 1679? he was

deprived for ool taking the oaths t<> king \\ illiam and

queen Mary, and died -Ml) dan. 170S 9. Hi \i;v GOODE, A.M.. oollated I8i Feb. and installed

on tin* 8th of the Bame month 168990, on the de- privation of < larr as non-juror. I [e died in 1 727.

RlCHARD Cl MB] i;i I N i>, A. M ., OrchdeOOOn >/ \ Ofikamp-

ton and prebendary of Peterborough, oollated 31st Maj


Charles Reynolds, D.l>.. oollated 17th Dee. 1737, vice Richard Cumberland deceased. He was mad"' chancellor, and died 5th Oct. 1766, being buried near the great west doors of his cathedral.

Richard Stevi ms, A.M.. oollated 23rd dan. and in- Btalled 2 1 st March 1767, vice Charles Reynolds de- oeased.

William Weston, B.D., oollated 22nd and installed 25th May 1771, rice Richard Stevens deoeased.

Matthew Peilde, A.M., oollated 23rd duly and in- stalled 17th Sept. 17^1. nee William Weston de- oeased.

Jon\ Own. I>.1> . collated 14th and installed 17th Sent.

1796, vice Matthew Feilde deoeased.

Henry ( Iraven Ord, B.A., collated 3rd March and in- stalled 14th May 1814, vice John Ord resigned.

Georgk Davenport, 19th Sept. 1845, v ' c Henry Craven Ord.

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