Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/621

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BLECTEIO, ETC., SIGNAL CO. V. HALL, ETC., SIGNAL 00. 609 �idea of the one-battery System. It was Mote important and tnore dif&cult to overcome the practic&l hindrances which lay in the way of a suocessful application of the idea. An examination of the testimony will show that Pope did noth- ing to perfect what he had acoomplished until' he had applied for his patent. He explained his plan to Hondriekson about November 6th, who, thereupon, drew a very rude and scanty pencil sketch, which Pope said represented his idea. On De- cember 3, 1872, Hendrickson showed Pope a rough drawing of an improved signal machine which he, Hendrickson, had deviped, and which he thdught would be well adapted to be used in connection with the one-battery plan. Pope was favorably impressed with the sketch, and told Hendrickson to prepare a working model at once, and he, Pope, would prepare an application for a patent for the machine. The model was tested and found to work well, and Pope says: "I immedi- ately proceeded to prepare an application fbr a patent, which was filed in the patent-office on the twenty-sixth of Decem- ber, 1872. • * * As this signal was equally well adapted to be used in connection with the System of circuits which we already had in operation on the Pennsylvania Eailroad and on the Lehigh Valley Eailroad at Bethlehem, I described in the specification the signal as -virorking in a system of this descrip- tion, making no allusion to the proposed plan of working a number of them from a single batery, as the particular arrangements of circuits had no necessary connection with the features of the invention, which were considered to be new, and which were intended to be covered by the claims. I intended to take out a sepa'rate patent on this System of circuits after I had had an opportunity to test it, and therefore did not wish to make any disclosure of it in the specification of the patent of another invention. During the latter part of November and the early part of December, 1872, I was also engaged in the preparation of an application for letters patent intended to embody the improvements which I had made in the machinery and System which we had placed on the Pennsylvania Eailroad ; that is to say, the independent loeking magnet, the cut-off for transferring the battery cir- v.6,no.6— 39 ��� �