Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/622

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610 FBDKEAL BBPOBTBR. �cuit from the maiarinagnet tc the locking magnet and sec- ondary signal, the arrangement of the primary and secondary signais with reference to each other, and spme other minor points. This application waa completed about the twentieth pf December, and immediately upon its completion I took it to Washington myself and filed it on; the twenty-first of Decem- ber, 1872." ' , ■ �On or about February 10, 1873, Pope had a conversatioii with Mr. A. G. Davis, superintendent of telegraphs on the Baltimore & Ohk) Railroad, in regard, to the introduction of a. signal System on that road». and told Davis that he had de- vised a plan by whieh the requisite number of signais on eight or ten mile? pf road cpuld be worked from pne battery, and that he -was willijgig to undertake to 4o this at any time. In March a single signal was put up on the road, but it is evident that this signal was npt put up as a sample of the one-battery System. Sometime between February lOth and April Istj Pope had one oj more conversations with Edwin D. McCracken in regard to the System ; but, giving to these inter- views the weight whioh they have in Pope's mind, the con- versations were simply an ; assertion of what he could do by this proposed plan. The only thing thereafter done was to make out the application. Mr., Pope says : "As the varions parts of the combination, circuit closers, signais, signal ma- chinery, etc., had already been thoroughly tested in practice, and almost continually, fox over a year, it did not seem to me necessary to test the new combination in aetual service be- fore making an application for a> patent, as it was a very easy matter for any competent electrioian to calculate from existing data the amouht of battery power, the size of con- ductors, and the proportionate electrioal resistance of the different parts, so as to insure the satisfactory operation of the System in practice. After completing and filing an ap- plication for a patent on an improved track connection which had been invented by Mr. Hendrickson, and which was sent to Washington and filed on the twenty-fifth day of April, 1873, I prepared the . application for the patent, which was issued July 1, 1873, as No. Ie0,536, and is Exhibit A. This ��� �