Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/717

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IN BE WOODBDRT. 705 �rule. Murphy v. RailroadCo. 29 Conn. 496; Same v. Sdme, 30 Conn. 184. �My attention bas not been called to any decision, upon a statute at all like that of Nevada, holding a contrary doc- trine. My conclusion is that the demurrer must be sus- tained upon the first point discussed, and overruled upon the last; and it muet be overruled upon the second ground for reasons stated in this opinion, with leaVe to the plaintiff to amend by inserting the facts in regard to the kindred as named in the act, if so advised. Whether exemplary damages may be given in every case, or are to be confined to those cases in which they would have been allowed before the passage of the act, is a question upcm which I intimate no opinion. See Myers v. San Francisco, Aa Gai. 215. �The demurrer is sustained, as stated, with leave to plain- tiff to amend on or bef'"'re the rule-day in July, and defend- ant to plead on or before the rule-day in August next. ���In re Petition of Woodbubt, {Circuit Court, S. B. New York.) �1. Clekk of Court— SEAKCHiNa Records — Fbbs. �A clerk of a federal court is entitled to a fee of 15 cents for flling a requisition for a search for judgments, etc. �2. Bame — Same — Samb. �He is also entitled to a fee of 15 cents for each person agalnst whom such search is made. �3. Bame— Same— Same. �He is also entitled to a fee of 15 cents pcr folio for the certificate of such search. �4. Same— Bame — Same. �He cannot make any charge for afflxing the seal of the court to such certificate, unless required to so affix the seal. �5. Same— FiLiNa Requisition. �He is authorized to flle the requisition for his own protection, and cannot be required to return the same to the party delivering it, ■with the requested certificate thereto attached. — [Ed. v.7,no.7 — 45 ��� �