Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/718

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706 FEDBBAL BEPOBTBB. �Gharju$ H. Woodbury, in pexson. �Joseph M. Deuel, opposed. �Blatohpoed, Ci J. The petition in this case is presented tothia court bj au attorneyand counselloc of this court. It sets forth that the clerk of thie court demands, for searching the records of the court for jiadgments, decrees, or other in- struments oonstituting a peinerai lien on real estate, and cer- tifying the resylt of such , eeejab, 15 cents for each person against wh^m such search is required to be made, and also 15 centftlor each apd every ifolio of such certifioate, together -v^ith the 6um of 20 cents for affixing the seal of the court to such certifieate, when such seal is not required to be affixed; that said' clerk ifl not : authorized to demand any fee for the folios of his oertificate, or for affixing the seal, unless he is required to do; sd; that the petitioner left with said clerk for search and. certification a requisition, of wbich the following is a copy: �*' The clerk of the circuit court of the United States for the southern district of New York will please search in his office for judgments and all other liens upon real estate against Eugene L. Bushe, for 10 years last past, and certify the resuit in writiog for Charles H. Woodbury, 33 Fine Street." �— That the said clerk proposes to give to the petitioner a cer- tifioate of which the following is a copy : �" Circuit court of the United States for tJie southern district of New York. I, John I. Davenport, clerk of the circuit court of the United States, in and for the southern' district of New York, do hereby certify that I have searched the records of said court for judgments, decrees, and transoripts thereof, against the f ollowing-named persons, for the period designated herein, viz. Eugene L. Bushe, for ten years last past, and I do not lind remaining or unsatisfled of record «ny judgment or decree against any of them, except as above set forth. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afflxed the seal of said court atNew York this- dayof , A. D. 1879. ' — [Seal.]" �---That said clerk will not give said certificate to the petitioner unless the petitioner will pay him 65 cents, as follows: 15 cents for the names searched against; 30 cents for the certi- ficate, charging at the rate of 16 cents a folio, there being more than 100 words, including the attestation clause, but not 100 words excluding the attestation clause; and 20 cents ��� �