Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/77

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BBO-WK ■ ». ' StMiE'HTS ' A ' b! B. co. 6^ �oldlBm Vi il. Go. aiiprd, aM EUlis f:R?G0:Ulll^:'M^, eaiee -by cetfllSei to suSMiii iWe ' statetnent that ' "^assengefs 'o^ rfl*lA)ads"&ar©-iiO iigEttoiesist'erjectibn; aithbug^ and that they inuSt subaait and eeet r'edfe'ss elsewlierei"*a(j n©t 'snotaiti tee^ position.' lii the flrati'tWeobri'held that'tUe paissenger coald^;not forcibty enterthe laaies' ciaf after bMrrg fo*biddeD,' ftlltttjUgh, ntiaeillie ei(iujAktMeee,'iie Had a i:i§;hi to go' there ;-bii>tf it doea Hot fiold' tbafrbeitfg' siiTeaifiii;M ediild not foreijfly resi^t tinlaWRil ej'eeflon. Ili' the-'atSer^ oase^the coutt sifaiply ttilee-that; if tM boMbctorliail a'iipt td' put him off, tb© passeligei^buld not'^iesist; and eill'llie caees cited eeerh td pl*ce'Hfie duty of ^ubmission oh tHe ^iiuhd that the eominand td leaVe'the boiiVej'atice'is'ri^liffia] How far a ^asiefenger, iu fleffeilce df bia riglfif'io reiaaiinViu'ay eerfybis l'esistariee, nia^ B&'dotiBtfvll jVui absolute suboiSs- sidn 'is' ilbt bis duty by ■ a'ny '■ iueafis, ' aM laW^ul l'esisf arice dees net jpreclufle the iright of recofery,' TEe i)i:oof here showed that the plaintiff refused'tdlekVej aiid, trheii tiie con- diictdr laidfaaTida on her, sbe^fastetaed 'Kerfeet 'about the rings 6f the seat.'and defendant coitend'ed "that iri overednl- aig this nnlawful resistaiiee to the adthbi'itjf df the bonductot fihe irijiiry, if any; wae' doiie, 'and that ' he 'cdiild lawfnlly use ali^force necessary to dtercotne it: The eases do'iio't sh'oW tli!a% the eOridnctdr cari laWfiilly eraploy any force to remove iinfe rightiully in -the cai:,^ and whaleve* is ased is wrongful; even where the expulsion is righ^til the fblree must not be excessive, and where it iewrorigftfl feasouable reaistarice can- noi; be imlawf til. ' Still,' the cdnductor has aathority to deter- mind whoin' he will eject, and can comiband force genorally sufficient to accomplish the reihoval, sd that resistance of any kind, except' enbugh to shoWthat the wrong isnotacquiesoed in by the plaintiff, is useless ■wter'e the conductor is deter- mined on ejecting the passenger. Be^ides, resistance in Bome cases woiild lead to affrays or other turbulence, and be a dieturbance of other passengers. I think, therefore, nd rtile ehouM' be adopted which 'isrould encourage it. Such resistance is nd'defenoe fb the aetidu, But where peraonal in- juries are received I am df the opinion that unnecesfiary v.7,no.l— 5 ��� �