Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/78

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,66 ,,. _,{ momL^rfixposxiK^ij ���.'.n ���j^istflii^ce may .be\ cqn^4e??d:,aB .w^gating .'Hie damageaj ]^^exe, but fpr tli^ cepjs^pce» np injury wQold.iiajW beea in- ^jft^di,., Hui.cji,|if]ar, J j.5aS(;t Tbump. G^c. JPass. 374; S«f)^^ i^fc Yv C«na^(7a^, 6(6 i^. J.,45e, , T!k6t&, wa^.a counian this ^^cl^ation,.fojr,fl,8inigijumiec§B8aEy yioleuoeq aiid, as tcr that p^uce cl a|c14cm,if.;tb« expulf^oQ jiad. b^eii, iigkjtful ^here was ij^;)3|^^|ity tprcji^jc^tjie .jnp:y,,th:a4.,the con^uotoi nftight; Use r.caS|op^^le and jp^e^sf^ry; fprqe! to ^ject th^ Baspenger,; but if t^gip^^y P*?S® tq thio, conclusioji that- the expalsioQ wa&un- ^fp]|, |}ien the;jM4wipl:es;heEf.,f^unpiated would governtlje <jwellj|ind the charge, gi^?en,^lowedihe jury ,t<^ look at th& facit ^t resistancPi|,s^,mitigatii;g>da«ciageR for au injary sue;- tajn/^4 qii s-ficoiWlt flf it- -TM?? wp.? noerrpr in refusing the (jhfl^gq as^,writteii,,.ii]i any po^giblp "view ^of tha right» of the partjies, and .tm», CfTpn iby thj^iCQflrt was -more favorable on. thiSr.point to, th^. idefeiidant tfean , the authorities oited wonld perhaps justifyj because, they seera; tojrecognize an unquali- fied right o| resj^tariqe to "v^fongM expulsion. , �The flewly-discpfvered j^yMe^nce pfj White is only cunmlsj-. tiye, and ■jyhile. it !wpu].dj have beeja. u^eful, perhaps, to defend" ant, no, sufficieijt ground ^s shcwyat^yor not having produced it. , The conductpr should haye taken , down the names ,of pcjjson^, present, and the fact,,th^t:'tl'.6 prepepce of one pther. witness in the car bas, b,eeu,diecqvej:ed; pince the trial ip im- Hjiaterial, as it was then.knpwn tp the conductor that this and, other.persons TCiCfje pjresent., ;., , , �The pnly rejnaining ^ue^tW is as to the amount of this verdict. If I had been on, the jury I should have been con- tint with a somejwhatsmaller 8u,ni than |3,000; butit is,,a question for the.jujry, and not,the court, to say what essary in a qase like.this. Thonip. Car. Pass. 576. In re- viiewing the verdict on a ,jj;Lation ,for a new trial it piust appear that it is the resuit of passion, prejudice, or undne influenpe, ajjid while it is thet duty of the court to pjrptect the defendant agaipst. such iofluences by setting aside excessive ye:cdi°ts,it shoujld not inyad^ thje, province of the jury. Coun- sel, on the one hand, pited msiny cg^s.showing large verdicita .sustained; and, on the other, cases .ahowing very small ver- ��� �