Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/90

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'was improperly delayed-j at the time whe» it should have beeu d^lijered inLcipdcinjanjd itSriniarkct value when it was in iaot •4elivered, which iwasMaj 15,j1,8SQ. Verdict for plaintiffs |or $1,500. j: F ���Moaciis ». PENNeYLVAtriA ,E. Co. �{OireuiiVoiifit, a. V. Neui Fork. TSaj 9, mi.) �1. LtCENSi TCi CROSB Fb*ESmiSES— LlABIIilTT OP llicBNfiOR. �' A ilaked lieuse tiS'paSs br* i)remi8e8 doesf not ci«ate any oMtgs- i tioDj tfppn the part of the licMsorj tio prQvide against danger or acci- dent totlie liecBsee. . . �2, t^AMB— BAMB. . ^ ri �The n^ere fact that a party, from tto nature of his employment, ia iuthta'irtd to ci\Jss ' the tracyi bf a railroad, will not warrant subh

Crossing at a pleice other than t]iat prbVided bj tlue railroad.-^fHo.

�Motjon for Ne>? Trial. >.; �Br^«n rf TlpmHjBsoJt, for pla|n,tjfif. , �^ciiww *£• Scn6we>;„fpif dcfendajjit, -; . ,, �,; Wj^hjjACji, D. I, Ail the cloeie pf, the. evidence m this ca?© the coqrtrdirec|te4;,the jury to fii^d a verdict for the defendant. The plaintiff npwmoyes for :^inf,w, trial. For the purpose» of; tfee motion the, pj^iptiff. ip, entitlc^- to the , benefit of every controvertcd fact, aq4;^^' di^pi^t8.)3l^ ipferences, which the jury cpu^d h^ye ind|tilged in; his favyr. ,i^he action isjor ifljnric^ y^ives^by j^|^e plf^tiiff,iii;^aWng;into an unpro- tecteji^ pit, lopatedbefrcveentfeetracksof t}ie defendant's road, and ,u8ed. by;,t:|ie;,jdefeiidant, for duimpingjthiCrashes of it& engines. The pit.\paS'loeateid ucon 'th^private gromids of ,tl^e^de|;cnd.ant, lyji^g «pntignpils to itsjfrpig^t-fshed, and ocour piedijbyipav^ri^l tf^^jniiing ^p:a,]lfi..}pj^a.o\i other, iihcs git beittg ,U|^§^,r ,.the , fif th traelf f rpm ih^ c l^ed. . The plaintif was iTi}tlife,,eppJ,oy.9f a )ig^<jerage |Cpmpai^,tw^ji,ch wa^f a,uthorized tp tcar;^y ^Q^^^^tja^ f reighfeio and fcopi -}% ^reight-shed., a»^ t0.ill^o^4|3ligh^qr^ at,ac,d^?lftei^ii^^ adj^^cepi �,to: the %gigh|ir8^ed,; for th^ , pji^pp^e^ 4i>P*-%'^i, and', necessary ��� �