Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/91

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MORGAN t>[ IPl^SfeTLVAijii R. 00. i'& �to the^'loadin^' aua -xiiihMug'of tHe^ li'eBteM; %e MUir^ exteiided froii tt'e eliea to 'the 'iiTartlviiVBr; i The " taiMaff tiacSs -were on the'bppaeite side oi the ireigiit'-faheS iroia Ihe riveK Tbere %a8 ri6 W^;^ bf ' aedess ito, bf egress;.Troin,'ffie freight-shed tb any street'bl- i)uMio labd \irithout 'crobsihg' tKe' tracfis of the defendiatot, eiscept- % %aier; fc'lit at' one' ekid M the freight-shed the defeadant had ari^aiiged 'siccomodatidils' for iogress and egress, so thafTatorefe^'at the shed cb'Md reach a street termm&ting near ^hat jtoitil without cthising as' many traeks as theire wharie tHb j)Mttti'ff attetnpled to diross. On the bccasiob in qaeMon, 'the^ plaintiff -eanie ai nightfallwith a barge to the ■vWikt'f; wHifeh il waa iniehded tb loaa with freight the next mbrhihg, aiid, afteir moorihy; the barge, started to ciosd 'fihia defendaait's ti^acks iii order' to ifeach Ms home; but instead bf '^ihg by the ■way pfovided by the defendant, he crossed the trabks EIt a difi ei-eut 'piacei %tfd; '«t'hile thus pasEiing through thef ^ yaM of the ' def^aaht; i elF into-the Ipit and Wao iiijtired. It was proveii that the^plain-' tiO'hed frequently 'ei^o^Bed the tracka befoi-e; at or iiear'th^^ same place, and that bther labbVets emplbyed at the ftreight-' ehed had also frequenlly' dohfe S6, thereb;^ sating «orne time and distance bver that ieqii'ireid tu uae th^'orbesing pirbVided by the defendant. ■•■■'■.• '^ '" ■•.; i; v, ■,;';(';,-, ■; - j, ,,, �'.'-Upoii this caSe the ebtjft ruled, inasniucha^, intfae view of the eVideriee most favorable tolihe^laiiitaff;'ndthi'ng'uioire; than a mere lii^erise or permission tb' the plaintiff to' cross' ■«rhere he did was shown^ thatthe defendant oW*ed tUeplain- tiff no duty and feoiliS riofe be lia/ble for. negligeiice. ' It waM^ coneeded on'the argumeat that this 'rulihg'wab eorrectl,' if fhe' plaintiff was crossing the defefiidant'rfprottisfe8"by'a*'lie^fise' liierely, and not bj^'iiiVitatierii'"' liideedy tHeao&tfiiie-*th'ai a naked license or periniSsiou 'tb '^Hter oi^'^paeS' ovef pb^tniseS' will not create' a' duty btiinpo'ee' an bblilga'ibh bi[ 'the' part ot' the owner towards the ' libeeeee to ' ptovide a^iiliat' ■ dan^¥ dr' accident, is so elemeiitar^ that it 'eatiiiofe 'be' queeiionedi ^ ^ • J - "^ '^ ' What is therein' thie^^^teserit* eetee^ thi'intiieate'ati'ytKin^' beyond a passive acqmeeeeWae bh the parttJf the'flefeiideEiitto' the custom of the emp%e^'a?i the 'fMght-ehedtoe*oei'a-^ts' ��� �