Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/906

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o^e IEDEE4L BBPOBTEB. �tions would be influential in giving currencyand value to the bond?; and, upon the principle of ratification, it is now too late to permit the defendant, while retaii^in^ the benefit of the transaction, to dispute its obligations. Judgment is ordered for the plaintiff. ; • ���United States ». BBiDiiBMAH. ' �{District Court, B. Oregon. July 15, 1881.) �1. Laeceint of Indian Propbktt. �The Indian intercourse act of June 30, '1834, (4 St. 729,) was ex- tended over Oregon, so far as the same was applicable thereto, by act of June 5, 1850, (9 St. 437.) Hdd, that the provision of said act of 1834, providing for the punishment of a white man for stealing the property of an Indian, and wce versa, was applicable to Oregon, and thereafter in force there; and that. the same was not modifled or repealed by the admission of the state into the Union, February 14, 1859. 11 St. 383. �2. Umatilla Resbbvation an Indian Countrt. �The treaty of June 9, 1855, (12 St. 445,) establishing the Umatilla reservation for the exclusive use of certain Indian tribes, was not modifled or repealed by the act admitting Oregon into the Union, and from the date of such treaty, and by reason thereof , such reserva- tion was and is " Indian country," and all laws for the punishment of crimes committed in such country are applicable thereto, and may be enforced in the United States courts for the district of Or- egon. �S. Intbbcotibsb wjth thb Indian Tribes. �The power of congress to regulate the intercourse hetween the inhabitants of the United States and the Indian tribes therein, is not limited by state Unes or govemments, but may be exercised and enforced wherever the subject— Indian tribes— exists. �Bufus Malhry, for the United States. �The defendant, in person. �Deady, D. J. On July 7, 1881, an information was filed in this court by the district attorney charging the defendant with the larceny of a blanket from an Indian on the Umatilla Indian reservation in this district. The defendant pleaded not guilty, and the case was submitted to the court upon an ��� �