Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/907

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UNITEP STAIlSa V,;B9IDLEMAN. 69& �agreed «tate of facta, to staojdas and for a Bpecial veraio|,as follows: i ,. �On Joiy 1, 1881, the defendant, a white man, felonionsly took and carried away from th^ Umatilla Indian reservation in the district of: Oregon,theu ander charge of an Indian agent, a blanket of the value of two dollars, the same being^ then and there the property of Shick-Shuck, an Indian, then belonging to and living uppn said reservation, with a prayer for judgment by the defendant on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction of the oiience charged. �Section 25 of the actof June 30, ISSe* (3 St. 733,) "to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes," K^ modified byiSLections 2145 ajxd 2146 of the Bevised Statute^, enacts as follows,: �"That sontuch of the lAwsof the United States as provides for- the pupishment of crimes committpd within any place within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Unit<ed States, except the District of Colum- bia, shall be in force in the Indian country : provided, the same shall uot «xtend to crimea committed by one Indian against the person or prop- erty of another Indian, nor tb> any Indian committing any ofCence in the Indian country -n-ho bas been punished by the local law of the tribe, or to any case where, by treaty stipulations, the exclusive jurisdic- tion over such ofiences'is, ormay be, secured to the Indian tribes respect- ively." �And section 6356 of the Bevised Statutes enacts as fol- lows: �" Eveiy person who, ♦ » • In any place under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, takes and carries away, with intent to steal or purloin, the personal goods of another, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by impriso^ment not more than one year, or by both suci» fine and imprisonment." �It is decided, 80 far as this court is concemed, that the phrase " Indian country," as used in act of 1834, supra, ia a technicalone, a«nd only applies to such portions of the TJnited States as are described in the first section thereof , or have since become such by and in pursuance pf ^an act of congress, or a treaty of the, United States, and that it does not extend pr apply to any country simply because it is owned or in- habited by Indians in whole or in part ; and also that said act was local, and only extended west to the Rocky mouut- ��� �