Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/10

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CASES BEPOSTSD. ���Page �CracuiT CoTTRT, N. D. New Tobk. �Albany City Nat. Bank v. Maher. . . 884 Brown v. JefEerson Connty Nat. �Bank 258 �JefEerson Co. Nat. Bank, Brown v. . 258 �Maher, Albany City Nat. Bank v 884 �New York Cent. & Hndson River R. �Co., Kobinson v 877 �Robinson v. New York Cent. & Hud- �son River R. Co 877 �Circuit Cottrt, B. D. New York. �Adams v. Howard 347 �Appointment of Bupervisors of Elec- tion, In re 14 �Atlantic Giant Powder Co. v. Ditt- �mar Powder Manuf g Co 316 �Averill Cbemical Paint Co. v. Na- tional Mixed Paint Co 462 �Bernard v. Heimann 400 �Berrian v. Chetwood 678 �Brown, Davis v 647 �Campbell v. The Mayor, etc., of �New York 500 �Camriok, McKesson v 44 �Chetwood, Berrian v 678 �Chittenden v. Thannhauser 226 �Clark, Wooster v 854 �Cortes Co., The, v. Thannhauser 226 �Certes Co. , The, Thannhauser v 225 �Crandal v. Walters 659 �Davis V. Brown 647 �Dittmar Powder Manuf g Co., At- lantic Giant Powder Co. v 316 �Dohan Carroll & Co., P. Lorillard �&Co. V 609 �Du Bois, McCloskey V 38 �Heimann, Bernard v 400 �Hofifman, New York Bung & Bush- �ing Co. V 199 �Howard, Adams v 347 �Irwm V. Metropolitan Telephone & �TelegraphCo 617 �Leszynaky v. Merritt 688 �Macauley v. White Sewing-machine �Co 698 �Malone, United States v 897 �Maxheimer v. Meyer 460 �Maxheimer, Meyer v 99 �Mayor, etc., of New York, The �Campbell V 600 �McCloskey v. Du Bois , 38 �McKesson v. Carnrick 44 �Merritt, Leszynsky v 688 �Metropolitan Telephone <fc Telegraph �Co., Irwin v 517 �Meyer v. Maxheimer 99 �Meyer, Maxheimer v. ...*. 460 �National Mixed Paint Co., Averill Chemical Paint Co. y 462 ���New York Bung & Bushing Co v. �Hoffman 19i; �Plimpton V. Winslow 365 �P. Lorillard & Co. v. Dohan Carroll �& Co 509 �Reissner, Sharp v 446 �liichardson, Stevens V 19] �Seldon v. Stockwell Self-lighting Gas- �burner Co 390 �Sharp V. Reissner 445 �Stevens v. liichardson 191 �Stockwell Self-lighting Gas-burner �Co., Belden v 390 �Tallmadge, Traders' Bank of Chi- cago V 363 �Thannhauser v. The Cortes Co 225 �Thannhauser, Chittenden v 226 �Thannhauser, The Cortes Co. v 22t �Tilden, Wilkinson v 68I �Traders' Bank of Chicago v. Tall- madge 36i; �United States v. Malone 897 �Walters, Crandal v 659 �White Sewing Machine Co., Macau- �lev V 698 �Wilkinson v. Tilden 683 �William Cox, The 672 �Winslow, Plimpton v 365 �Wooster v. Clark 854 �District CotmT, 8. D. New York. �Anchoria, The 840 �Bing, Hunker v 277 �Cary, In re 754 �Elmendorf , In re 545 �Frey, In re 376 �Hunker V. Bing 277 �Isaac Bell, The 842 �■lackson, In re 493 �Kerr, McConnochie v 60- �Leverich, United States v 481, 686 �McConnochie v. Kerr 50 �Mead, Plattv 91 �Nahor, The 213 �Pangussett, The 109 �Pharos, The 912. �Pidgeon, Provost v 409 �Pitta, Inre 642 �Plattv. Mead 91 �Plymouth Rock, The 413 �Provost V. Pidgeon 409 �Saratoga, The 322 �Shaw, In re 495 �Tubal Gain, The 834 �-United States v. Leverich 481, 686 �Vesper, The 669 �Yankee Doodle, The 109 �CiRcaiT Court, D. Vkrmoht. Bailey, Brooks v 438 ��� �