Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/9

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CASES REPORTED. �eERANQED UNDER THBIR RE8PEGTIVB CIRCVIT3 �AND msTRicra. ���FIRST OIECUIT. ���Pigi ���Ontoorr Coukt, D. Mainb. �Glover, Union Ina. Co. T. 629 �Qould V. Staples 159 �Staples, Qould ▼ 159 �Union Ina. Co. y. Glover S29 �DiSTBiCT CtollBT, D. Madsb. �Jarvis, Wiswell V 84 �Murrayv. White 662 �Wliite, Murray v 5B2 �Wiswell y. Jarvis 84 �CiBOinT OouBT, D. Massachusetts. �Chase V. United States 882 �Kichardson, United States v 804 �Shedd y. Washburn 904 �United States, Chase y 882 �United States v. Kichardson 804 �Washburn, Shedd y 904 �Cntoucr Coitbt, D. Rhodb Isiano. �Cross y. Livermore 607 �Uvermore, Cross y 607 ���SECOND CIBOUIT. �CmcniT Coukt, D. Conbbotiodt. �Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., West- ern Electric Manuf 'g Co. y 706 �Coes v. The ColIinsCo.. 905 �Collins Co., The, Coes v 905 �Dunham Hosiery Co., Holmes y.... 767 �y. 9— Fbd. ���Pag» �Holmes y. Dunham Hosiery Co 767 �Holmes v. Plainville Manuf g Co. . . 767 New Haven Steam Saw-mill Co. y. �Socurity Ins. Co 779 �Peck Bros. & Cc.Zanev 101 �Plainville Manuf 'g Co., Hohnes y. . . 757 �Sargent & Co. , Tucker v 299 �Security Ins. Co. , New Haven Steam �Saw-mill Co. v 779 �Tucker v. Sargent & Co 299 �Western Electric Manuf g Co. y. An- sonia Brass & Copper Co 706 �Zane V. Peck Bros. & Co 101 �CiRCurr Court, E. D. New York. �Crary, Demond v 750 �Demond v. Crary 750 �Fanning, Onderdonk y 106 �Herdsman v. Lewis 853 �Lewis, Herdsman v 853 �New York Coliee Polishing Co., New York & Baltimore Coliee Polish- ing Co. V 678 �New York & Baltimore CofiEee Polish- ing Co. V. New York Coiiee Polish- ing Co 678 �Onderdonk y. Fanning 106 �District Court, E. D. New York. �Cetewaj'o, The 717 �Ferreri, The 468 �John Cuttreil, The 777 �Lawrence v. Morrisania Steam-boat �Co 208 �Levi Davis, The 716 �Morrisania Sleam-boat Co., Law- rence V 208 �Sylvan Gleu, The 336 �Two Hundrodand Seventy-flve Tons �of Minerai Phosphates 209 �Walter M. Fleming, The 474 �(ix) ��� �