Page:Felicia Hemans in Death's Doings.pdf/3

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"Aye, warrior, arm! and wear thy plume
    On a proud and fearless brow!
I am the lord of the lonely tomb,
    And a mightier one than thou!

"Bid thy soul's love farewell, young chief!
    Bid her a long farewell!
Like the morning's dew shall pass that grief—
    Thou comest with me to dwell!

"Thy bark may rush through the foaming deep,
    Thy steed o'er the breezy hill;
But they bear thee on to a place of sleep,
    Narrow, and cold, and still!"

"Was the voice I heard thy voice, O Death?
    And is thy day so near?
Then on the field shall my life's last breath
    Mingle with Victory's cheer!