Page:Felicia Hemans in Death's Doings.pdf/4

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"Banners shall float, with the trumpet's note,
    Above me as I die,
And the palm-tree wave o'er my noble grave,
    Under the Syrian sky.

"High hearts shall burn in the royal hall,
    When the minstrel names that spot;
And the eyes I love shall weep my fall—
    Death! Death! I fear thee not."

"Warrior! thou bearest a haughty heart,
    But I can bend its pride!
How shouldst thou know that thy soul will part
    In the hour of Victory's tide?

"It may be far from thy steel-clad bands,
    That I shall make thee mine;
It may be lone on the desert-sands,
    Where men for fountains pine!

"It may be deep amidst heavy chains,
    In some strong Paynim hold—
I have slow dull steps, and lingering pains,
    Wherewith to tame the bold!"