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Practical Lessons.
§ 159

“and should be prohibited,” so that the proposed substitute, if amended will be, Resolved, That the formation of so-called trusts is detrimental to business, and should be prohibited. Are you ready for the question?

Mr. Harter (obtaining the floor): I move to amend the amendment by adding the words “by law.”

The Chairman: Since the proposed substitute is itself an amendment to the resolution, the proposition to amend by adding the words “and should be prohibited” is a secondary amendment. Therefore, the proposition to further amend by adding the words “by law” is a violation of the rule allowing but two amendments to a proposition to be pending at the same time. The chair rules the third amendment not in order. The question before the assembly is on adding the words “should be prohibited.” As many as are in favor say aye. . . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. The question now recurs on the amended substitute. Are you ready for the question?