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§ 159
Practical Lessons.

Mr. Harter (obtaining the floor): I move to amend by adding the words “by law.”

Mr. Harding (rising): I second the motion.

The Chairman: It is moved and seconded to amend the substitute by adding the words “by law,” so that the substitute if amended will be, Resolved, That the formation of so-called trusts is detrimental to business and should be prohibited by law. Are you ready for the question? As many as favor the amendment say aye . . . Those oposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The substitute is amended.

The question now recurs on the amended substitute, Resolved, That the formation of so-called trusts is detrimental to business and should be prohibited by law. Are you ready for the question? As many as favor the substitute say aye. . . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The substitute is adopted. The question now recurs on the substituted resolution. Are you ready for the question?