Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 3.pdf/10

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clouded. Academic procession started at 10 a.m. Took cars to Chatauqua Chatauqua. Terrific rain and hail just as we reached the grounds, continuing for some time , then with milder force nearly all through commencement exercises. Dined at Home Lunch Counter Home Lunch Counter at 2 p.m., Packed trunk and left for Denver Denver, Colorado on 4:40 train, sprinkling again as I left. The foregoing 4 days record written on train just after leaving. Too busy to write it in large diary this week. The fields and prairies are beautifully green.

Birds seen: {taxon|Zenaida macroura|Doves}}, meadowlarks Sturnella, redwings Agelaius phoeniceus, lark buntings Calamospiza melanocorys, kingbirds Tyrranus. Barn swallows Hirundo rustica, Boulder Creek Boulder Creek, Clear Creek Clear Creek and Platte River Platte Riverhigh. Hailed as we reached Denver Denver, Colorado, got wet going to U.P. ticket office and found it locked. Returned to depot and found my sleeper ticket there. Felger (?) came into