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Where now shall I go, poor, forsaken, and blind?
Can I find one to guide me, so faithful and kind?
To my sweet native village, so far, far away,
I can never return with my faithful dog Tray.


15. The Bird caught at Sea.

Pretty little feather'd fellow,
Why so far from home dost rove?
What misfortune brought thee hither,
From the green embower'd grove?
Here secure from danger rest thee,
Let thy throbbing heart be still;
Here no school-boy shall molest thee,
No one here shall use thee ill.

Fresh spring-water here shall cheer thee,
Barley-corns and crumbs of bread;
Sleep and fear no danger near thee,
On the sails recline thine head;
And when kindly winds shall speed us
To the land we wish to see,
Then, sweet captive, thou shalt leave us,
And amid the groves be free.

16. The Fox and the Goose.


Good Mistress Goose, this charming day
Pray walk with me a little way;
The sun is up, the air is clear,

A walk will do you good, my dear.