Page:First course in biology (IA firstcourseinbio00bailrich).pdf/423

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eyes have the same parts as the eyes of other mammals. Which part of its eye is most peculiar? (Fig. 333.) What part is lacking that is present in birds? How are the eyes especially adapted for seeing at night? Does the pupil in the light extend up or down or across the iris? Does it ever become round?

Fig. 333.—Wild Cat of Africa (Felis maniculata), × 1/8.

What is the shape and position of the ears? Are they large or small compared with those of most mammals? They are fitted best for catching sound from what direction? What is thus indicated in regard to the cat's habits? (Compare with ears of rabbit.) Touch the whiskers of the cat. What result? Was it voluntary or involuntary motion? Are the nostrils relatively large or small compared with those of a cow? Of man?

Is the neck long or short? Animals that have long fore legs usually have what kind of a neck? Those with short legs? Why? How many toes on a fore foot? Hind foot? Why is this arrangement better than the reverse? Some mammals are sole walkers (plantigrade), some are toe walkers (digitigrade). To which kind does the cat