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belong? Does it walk on the ends of the toes? Does it walk with all the joints of the toes on the ground? Where is the heel of the cat? (Fig. 334.) The wrist? To make sure of the location of the wrist, begin above: find the shoulder blade, the upper arm (one or two bones?), the lower arm (one or two bones?), the wrist, the palm, and the fingers (Fig. 337). Is the heel bone prominent or small?

Fig. 334.—Ocelot (Felis pardalis), of Texas and Mexico, × 1/9.

In what direction does the knee of the cat point? The heel? The elbow? The wrist? Compare the front and hind leg in length; straightness; heaviness; number and position of toes; sharpness of the claws. What makes the dog's claws duller than a cat's? What differences in habit go with this? Judging from the toe that has become useless on the fore foot of the cat, which toe is lacking in the hind foot? Is it the cat's thumb or little finger that does not touch the ground? (Fig. 337.) Locate on your own hand the parts corresponding to the pads on the forefoot of a cat. Of what use are soft pads on a cat's foot?

Some animals have short, soft fur and long, coarse over hair. Does the cat have both? Is the cat's fur soft or coarse? Does the fur have a color near the skin different