Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/574

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n }• ixPEx OF .vnriT.EOLooTrAL rAPF.ns

A'axk [liny;, niitl Hkv. G. H. V. . On rho pai-ish i-o.:;-isters of Rodin.i;-- ton. S/iro/>. Arr/i. hihI Xdf. Hist. Snr. X. 00-70.

Ou the briefs mentioned in the register.s of Weui.

SIn-np. Arrh. (1,1(1 Nat. Jlisf. Soc. x. 207-220.

Verrall (A. AV. '. Death and the horse. Jour. IhU. Studies, xviii.

Vl(iOKS ((J(_»L. P. i).i. Ou notarial signs-nianuel. Ji<>>/. Sov. Aiiti(i.

Iirlami, r)th S. viii. 2(j;i-22!>. YiLLiERS (C. C. de). Notes on Hnguenot families at the (.*ape cf

Good Hope. Hufjutniot ,Soc. v. 222-250. Vixcext ( W. T.). History and mj^stery of Deneholes. Wadhrich

J)!sf. Anf/'j. Soc. iii. 20-41. ^^'AKE.MAX (W. F.). On the antirj[uity of iron as used in the manu- facture of certain weapons, implements, and ornaments fouud iu

Ireland. Hoy. Soc. Antiq. Inland, 5th 8. viii. 237-244. Walker (J. AV.). Notes on an inventory of the goods and plate 1 c-

longing to the chapel of St. Mary-upon-the-Bridge. Snc. Aidl([.

2nd S. xvii. 75-78. Inventory of the goods and plate belonging to the chapel of

St. Mary-upon-the-Bridge at AVakefield in 1408. VorLs .{nh.

Jrntr. XV. 02 -O;). AVai.eer (Williaji Char.max). PJssex field names. Arch.

Snc. N.S. vii. 05-02. AVaeteks (H. B.). The church bells of (iloufest^rshire. /Iristol and

<,'lo)ic. Arrh. >s'or. XX. 222-2:-52. On some black-figured vases recently acquired by the Brit- ish Museum. J(vir. Hell. Sfudie.s, xviii. 281-301. Warburtox (Joiix). Journal of, in 1718-10. Ym-Ls. AreJi. .four. xv.

Gl-84. "Warrkx (Robert Hall). Clapton-in-Cxordano church, Somersetshiie.

Clifton Anti(i. Club, iv. 102-108.

■ Waltou-in-Gordano. Clifton .\nfiq. Cluh, iv. KiO 171.

AVatsox (Georgfj. A misappropriated bishop, Cainh. and iro/.

Anti(j. and ArcJi. Soc. xv. 303-3u8. Weber (Her^eax). A small find of coins of ]\rende. etc. Xnm.

Citron. 3rd S. xviii. 251-258. Westropp (Thomas J.). St. j\Iar3"s cathedral. Limerick : its plan

and growth. ll(nj. S(m\ Anfi(/. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 35-48, 112. ■ Prehistoric remains in the Burren, County Clare (Carran

and Kilcorney\ 7.'*//. Nor, ,1////^. Ireland. 5th S. viii. 35:-5 ■