Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/575

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Wevman vHi-Ni^v T.\ Tlic meiuliers (»f Parliamenl fur Bi«liop",s

rastle. S/n-<>/>. Anh. nn<l Xaf. Hist. Sur. x. ;-3:5-<iS. WiiALK (IJkv. T. W.). The tax roll of "Testa do Ncvill."' Devon

.l.s-.sor. XXX. L'O:) 257. A\'mTE (Joiix FoRBEsi. Note oil suiiic Anic stelai. Jn,ii\ IhlL

StiKlirs. xviii. 133-135. A\'inTE iPv AciiEL Evelyn). Womeu in Ptolumaie E^-y[.i. Joxr. Jlr/L

Sf/iil/rs, xviii. 238-2G<;. AX'juTLEV ill. Miciiell). Tiie supposed priests' hiding plaees at

Golden Proljus. //'»//. Iiisf. Co)-}}, xiii. 252-253. ^ ~ Eastbourne chiuvli : its dedication and gilds. Siisscr A}rh,

Sor. xlii. lUJr-llU. WiEDE>[ANN (Dr. a.). Observations on tbc Xagadab period. Sue.

B}'lt. J/W/. XX. 107-122. WiLDMAN (AV. B.I. The oldest extant minntes of a meeting of the

governors of Sherborne school. JrcA. Joit}-. Iv. 35U-352. Wilson (Edjiuxd). A Leeds lawsuit in the IGth century. Tlunushij

Nor. ix. 11. Williams (S. W. l Bliayader and its anti(it\ities. Moi}f<joi)}c}-}/s/ii)-c

Coll. XXX. 211-2;',5. A\'iLSON (^Wkkuit). Maxstoko. Jl/i'. and Mid. Inst, xxiii. 15-;;S. AViNDLE (Bertram C. A.). Some pre-historic implements of AVar-

wickshire and AVorcestershire. P>li'. (did Mid. I}ist. xxiii. G-11. AVooDHOUSE (A¥. J.). The Greeks at Plataiai. Join-. JMl. Sfftdivs,

xviii. 33-5!*. WoRSFOLD (T. CAT<yi. The Fieiich Stonelienge. Ih-it. Anli, As.<<jc.

Join-. N.S. iv. 15!) -17G. AVroth (Warwiciv). Tickets of Vauxhall Gai<lens. XtiDi. C/u-on.

3rd S. xviii. 73 -!>2. ■ Greek coins acijuired by the British Museum in JS!»7.

Xiti)}. Cln-o}}. 3rd S. xviii. !.)7-l2:5. AVroTteslev iMa.j.-Gex. the Hon. G.). Crecy and Calais. W)n. Salt

A)-ch. Soc. xviii. 1 2S4. YoRKE (A". AV.j. Inscriptions from eastern Asia Minor. Joia-. ILU.

' Studies, xviii. 3r)G-327. Yorkshire Deodands in the reigns of Ed.ward II. and Edward III.

}o;V.-.s A}-c/i. .Jou}-. XV. 1!»!) 21U.