Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/541

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Mailar : rain prophecy, 333-4 Mailar Lingappa : rainfall prophecy,

334 Major, A. F. : translation by, —

Olrik's review of English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 470-2

Malabar : (see also Nayadis) ; origin of Todas, 103-4

Malas, Bellary, 332

Malay Archipelago : (see also East Indies; a«^ Philippines); mourning custom, 401

Malay Peninsula : (see also Besisi tribe ; Jakun tribes; Malay States; Pangan tribes ; Sakai tribes ; and Semang tribes) ; home of Mon- Anam race, 240 ; Skeat and Blag- den's Pagan Races of the Alalay Peninsula r&\\QViQd, 451-6

Malay States : folktale, 20 ; Maxwell's In Malay Forests reviewed, 247-8

Malla, slain by Siva, 333

Mallari temple : rainfall prophecy, 334

Mallet : identified with various deities, '37) 139; rare symbol of infernal deity, 137 ; replaced thunderbolt as symbol, 137

Malmo : Lent Monday sports, 337-8

Malmohuus, see Malmo

Mamurius Veturius, annual expulsion of, Rome, 434

Man : boy redeemed by blood at birth, Palestine, 65 ; boy not taken from cradle for 9 days, Sierra Leone, 86

Manannan mac Lir, 28, 31, 34, 46, 140, 142

ManawySSan, brother of Bran the Blessed, 131, 152

Mandrake: fruit is Arab "apples of insane," 68 ; hung in houses, Pales- tine, 67

Mango-tree : leaves in sowing custom, India, 334

Mani the moon. Teutons, 279

Manichaeism : fasts, 415-8

Mano : Human Leopard Society, 426

Mantle, see Cloak

Manus, tale of, 47

Maoris : (see also Tuhoe tribe) ; bap- tismal rite, 263-4 ; coil ornaments, 219 ; must not eat near burial place, 404 ; food pollutes sacred things, 392 ; mourning customs, 407 ; ponaturi, water people, 274

March : (see also Adsar) ; 14th, ' Ma- murius Veturius ' annually expelled, Rome, 434

Marchione, L. : Serpent-Procession at Cocullo, 216

Mardala tribes : organisation, 184

Marett, R. R. : review by, — Kidd's Savage Childhood, 343-6

Margosa leaves : in agricultural magic, India, 332-3 ; in sowing custom, India, 334

Mark, King, see King Mark

Maronites : no cooking in house of mourning, 405

Marriage customs and beliefs : Aus- tralia, 106-10, 166-86,306-18,457; bride anointed, Gallas, 321-2; bride drops gift into well, Esthonia, 270 ; bride enters by back door, Ireland, 81 ; bridegroom sucks bride's blood, Brittany, 448 ; bridegroom wears new things only, Gallas, 321 ; circling round mound, Malay tribes, 455 ; exchanging wives, Besisi tribe, 455, Eskimo, 98 ; fish caught, India, 270; Gallas, Southern, 319-25, 363 ; group marriage, Australia, 106-10, 168-70, 175-8, 180-6, 309- 10, 314, 317 ; hair parted only by married women, Gallas, 324 ; holy water poured over bride, Ireland, 81 ; Ireland, 77-82 ; in jatakas, 22; knots tied, Gallas, 321 ; marriage forbidden between housemates, Eskimo, 97, 100 ; oaten cake broken on bride, Ireland, 81 ; polygamy, Gallas, 323 ; rice cast into water, India, 270 ; sacrifices, Palestine, 66 ; torches to greet newly-married, Ireland, 81 ; widow claimed by brother-in-law, Gallas, 325

Marriage Customs of the Southern Gallas, by Mrs. E. S. Wakefield, 319-25, 363

Mars : assimilates local deity, Gaul, 126 ; ' Mamurius Veturius' annually expelled, Rome, 434

Marseilles: bas-relief at, 139; Corpus Domini feast, 435 ; Graeco- Egyptian influence entered Gaul l)y, 126

Marsi : descent of, 187

Marsyas, legend, 222

Mary Hosies, river spirit, Lanark- shire, 266

Masai : purge before eating holy meat, 393 ; review of works on, 102

Mashukulumbwe : words ku zhila, 238

Masks : secret societies. Sierra Leone Protectorate, 362, 423-4 (plate)