Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/542

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Math, son of Mathonwy, tale of, 143,

145. 152 Matriarchy, see Mother-right Matrimonial Customs in the West of

Ireland, by T. P. U. Blake, 76-82 Maui, legend of, 396-7 Mawu, All Father, Ewe tribe, 468 May : (,see also May Day ; and St. Domenico's Feast) ; feast of bullocks, India, 334 ; first 3 Sun- days in, children dipped in St. Madron's well, Cornwall, 255 ; water containing mint given to babies, Greek islands, 330 May Day : ballads, 357-8 ; Gerish's The Mayers and their Song, short notice of, 357 Mayers and their Song; The, by W.

B. Gerish, short notice of, 357 Mayo, see Moytura Mazeboth, Palestine, 68 Meath, see Tara Mecca : pilgrimage to, 417 Mecklenburg : dead not removed through usual entrance, 374 ; folk- tale, 192 Medemblik : string game, 328 Medical folklore : {see also Charms and spells) ; diseases and injuries treated: — baldness, 330 : contracted limbs, 254, 256 ; eye diseases, 253-4, 329 ; fright, 329 ; headache, 329 ; hydrophobia, 254 ; incontinence of urine, 330 ; lunacy, 253-4 ; rheumatism, 56 ; rickets, 255 : skin diseases, 253-4, 265 ; sores, 329 ; varicose veins, 329 ; wounds,

254; localities : — England, 253-4, 256 ; Greek islands, 329-30 ; Palestine, 56, 75-6 ; remedies : — agnus castus leaves, 329 ; agriopetalida, ashes of, 329 ; conger's blood, 330 ; live frog, 329 ; live hen, 329 ; live pigeon's heart, 329 ; magpie, 330 ; mint, 330 ; pig's urine, 330 ; storks' eggs, 329 ; tamarisk leaves, 329 ; Passover lamb, 75-6 ; water from hot springs, 56, or wells, 253-5, 265. 453 Medicine men, see Wizards Meenawannia, dialect of, 120 Meetings, 1-4, 6-7, 249-52, 361-3 Meisner mountain : Easter Monday custom, 279

Melanesia : (see also Elema ; and Reef islands) ; All Father belief, 468

Melcarth, see Melkart

Melkart, Phoenician deity, 127, 221-2

Members dead, i, 6

Members elected, i, 3, 6, 249, 361-2

Members resigned, I, 4, 6, 249-51, 361 .

Memorial stones, see Stones

Mendiland : exhibits from, 362, 423-4 (plates) ; secret societies, 362, 423-5, 426-7 (plates); steatite " farm- devils," 426-7 (plate)

Menhirs, see Stones

Menstruation, see Catamenia

Mercia : border of, 352

Mercury : assimilates local deities, Gaul, 126; Caesar ascribes to Gauls, 125-6 ; statue, Arvernes, 126

Mere (Wilts) : church ales and " cuckowe king," 340-2

Merlin : in Livre d'Artus, 51

Mermaid beliefs : Shetlands, 440-1

Merman beliefs : Shetlands, 440

Mesgegra, Iving, see King Mesgegra

Mesha, King, see King Mesha

Metals in folklore, see Gold ; Iron and steel ; Lead ; and Silver

Metrical Dindschcnchas, The, by E. Gwynn, reviewed, 224, 227

Mexico, ancient : babies sacrificed, 276 ; child ceremonially bathed, 261-2; fasting, ceremonial, 392; goddess Chalchihuitlicue, 261-2, 270 ; high priest's retirement on calamity, 418

Midday: child must not sleep at, Greek islands, 330

Midir the fairy king, 148

Midlands : folk-songs, 439

Midsummer Eve : bonfires, Roscom- mon, 438

Mikirs : coat of, 240 ; memorial stones, 240

Milk : beliefs about, Norfolk, 435 ; charm to increase mother's milk, Greek islands, 330 ; drunk at mar- riage, Gallas, 322 ; human, in love charm, Greek islands, 330 ; from male animals, Aristotle, 213 ; uni- versal antidote, Norfolk, 435

Milking : charms for, Ireland, 348 ; not done with "dry hand," Nor- folk, 436 ; libation in, Norfolk, 436 ; spilling avoided, Norfolk, 436 ; washing hands before and after, Norfolk, 435