Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/12

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vi Contents. PAGE

A. W. Mair. Hesiod. Alfred Nutt 105
C. S. Boswell. An Irish Precursor of Dante. Eleanor Hull 107
J. Gwenogoryn Evans. The Text of the Black Book of Carmarthen. Alfred Nutt 110
J. Verdam. Ferguut. Jessie L. Weston 114
Killis Campbell. The Seven Sages of Rome. W. P. Ker 115
Edith F. Carey. A Link with the Past (“Souvenir Normand”) L. E. Broadwood 116
Fra Dansk Folkemindesamling, Meddelelser og Spörsmål. B. M. Cra’ster 120
R. Wessmann. The Bawenda of the Spelonken (Transvaal). E. Sidney Hartland 122
Mervyn W. H. Beech. The Tidong Dialects of Borneo. A. C. Haddon 123
Emmanuel Cosquin. Le Lait de la Mère et le Coffre Flottant. A. R. Wright 124
I. C. Strehlow. Die Aranda und Loritja-Stämme in Zentral-Australien, II Teil. N. W. Thomas 125
R. R. Marett. The Threshold of Religion. F. B. Jevons 235
J. G. Frazer. Psyche’s Task. W. Crooke 241
Winifred M. Parker. Gaelic Fairy Tales. Eleanor Hull 242
Frederick Starr. A Bibliography of Congo Languages. A. E. Scrivener 243
Karl Weule. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise in den Südosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. N. W. Thomas 244
A. C. Hollis. The Nandi: their Language and Folklore. A. Werner 246
Shaikh Chilli. Folk-Tales of Hindustan. A. Longworth Dames 248
Richard Gordon Smith. Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan. A. R. Wright 249
Basil Thomson. The Fijians. W. H. R. Rivers 252
A. Lang. The Origin of Terms of Human Relationship. W. Crooke 255
R. A. S. MacAlister. Two Irish Arthurian Romances. Jessie L. Weston 361
K. Meyer. The Instructions of King Cor mac Mac Airt. Alfred Nutt 363
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Völuspa. Albany F. Major 366
Joseph T. Wheeler. The Zonal-Belt Hypothesis. M. Gaster 367