Index:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu

Title Folk-Lore, Volume 20
Year 1909
Publisher David Nutt, for The Folk-Lore Society
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Volumes Page scans for

The Folk-Lore Journal 1883–1889.

Index: Vol 1, 1883Vol 2, 1884Vol 3, 1885Vol 4, 1886Vol 5, 1887Vol 6, 1888Vol 7, 1889

Folk-Lore; a Quarterly Review 1890–

Index: Vol 1 (1890)Vol 2 (1891)Vol 3 (1892)Vol 4 (1893)Vol 5 (1894)Vol 6 (1895)Vol 7 (1896)Vol 8 (1897)Vol 9 (1898)Vol 10 (1899)Vol 11 (1900) ... Vol 13 (1902)Vol 14 (1903)Vol 15 (1904)Vol 16 (1905)Vol 17 (1906)Vol 18 (1907) ... Vol 20 (1909)Vol 21 (1910)Vol 22 (1911)Vol 23 (1912)Vol 24 (1913)Vol 25 (1914)Vol 26 (1915)Vol 27 (1916)Vol 28 (1917)Vol 29 (1918)Vols 30 & 31 (1919 & 1920)Vols 32 & 33 (1921 & 1922)

Pages (key to Page Status)
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I.—(March, 1909.)


Minutes of Meetings: November 19th and December 16th, 1908 1
The Thirty-first Annual Meeting: January 20th, 1909 4
The Thirty-first Annual Report of the Council: January 20th, 1909 6
Treasurer’s Cash Account and Balance Sheet 10
Presidential Address. M. Gaster 12
Notes on Some Customs of the Lower Congo People. The Rev. John H. Weeks 32
II.—(June, 1909.)
Minutes of Meetings: February 17th, March 17th, and April 21st, 1909 129
Head-hunting among the Hill Tribes of Assam. T. C. Hodson 132
Howitt and Fison. J. G. Frazer 144
Notes on Some Customs of the Lower Congo People. The Rev. John H. Weeks 181
III.— (September, 1909.)
The Religion of the Andaman Islanders. A. R. Brown 257
The History of the Destruction of the Round Table as told in Hebrew in the Year 1279. M. Gaster 272
Roumanian Easter Eggs. Agnes Murgoçi 295
Notes on Some Customs of the Lower Congo People. The Rev. John H. Weeks 304
IV.—(December, 1909.)
Minutes of Meetings: May 19th and June 16th, 1909 385
Folk-Tales of the Lushais and their Neighbours. J. Shakespear Notes by T. C. Hodson 388
Four-footed Man: a Note on Greek Anthropology. E. E. Sikes 421
The Bantu Element in Swahili Folklore. A. Werner 432
Notes on Some Customs of the Lower Congo People. The Rev. John H. Weeks 457

Superstitions and Survivals amongst Shepherds. E. Lovett 64
Amulets from Costers’ Barrows in London, Rome, and Naples. E. Lovett 70
Folklore Scraps from Several Localities. Alice B. Gomme 72
A Milano Tale (Sarawak). A. E. Lawrence 83
“Straw-bear Tuesday.” G. C. Moore Smith 202
Reminiscences of Lancashire and Cheshire when George IV. was King. Charlotte S. Burne 203
Lycanthropie sous la Révolution Française. H. Gaidoz 207
Augury and Leechcraft in Algeria. J. Noton 208
The Leopard in the Maize-farm: a Lower Congo Folk-Tale. John H. Weeks 209
Notes on Indian Folklore. W. Crooke 211
The Wallaroo and the Willy-wagtail: a Queensland Folk-Tale. R. H. Mathews 214
Scraps of English Folklore, II. E. B. Pitman, Harry Lowerison, M. H. James, Mabel Peacock, E. Wright, Charlotte S. Burne and Gertrude E. N. Day 216
Fetish Figure from Bolobo, Upper Congo. A. E. Scrivener 312
Old-Time Survivals in Remote Norwegian Dales. Margaret Crookshank 313
Omens and Folk-Etymologies from Jaunsar. G. A. Grierson 337
Two Hindu Singing Games. M. N. Venkataswami . . 337
Folklore Notes from Western Australia. R. H. Mathews 340
Scraps of English Folklore, III. E. J. Ladbury, Charlotte S. Burne, and S. O. Addy 342
New Year’s Day in Scotland, 1909. D. Rorie 481
Indian Folklore Notes, II. W. Crooke 482
Australian Folk-Tales. R. H. Mathews 485
Scraps of English Folklore, IV. G. M. Ireland Blackburne, M. Shooter, Charlotte S. Burne, J. H. P. Still, D. Townshend, Ralph Wolfenden, Mabel Peacock, E. H. Binney, and Barbara Freire-Markeco 488

“The Bitter Withy” Ballad. A.Lang 86
Burial of Suicides at Cross-roads. W. Crooke 88
The Burry-man. A. Lang and R. C. Maclagan 89
Copper Rod Currency of the Balemba. A. C. Haddon 93

The Death Customs of the Aborigines of Western Australia, and the Spirits. J. Ceredig-Davies 93
Distribution of Race and Language in Austraha. A. Lang 94
Lucky Horse-shoes. J. Ceredig-Davies 95
“Sympathetic” Magic. W. Hanna 95
Exhibition of Italian Ethnography at Rome in 1911. E. Sidney Hartland 224
Burial of Amputated Limbs. D. H. Moutray Read and E. B. Pitman 226
The Burry-man. Charlotte S. Burne 227
Difficulties of a Folklore Collector. E. Lovett 227
Opening Windows, etc., for the Dead. D. H. Moutray Read 229
The Puzzle of Arunta Local Totem Groups. A. Lang 229
Scottish Amulets. D. Rorie 231
“Sympathetic” Magic. Charlotte S. Burne and E. Wright 232
The Testing of a Sacrificial Victim. W. Crooke 233
Exhibits at Meetings of the Society. F. A. Milne 350
Beliefs and Customs of the Australian Aborigines. J. G Frazer 350
The Burning of the Property of a Gypsy at Death. W. Crooke 353
Crossing Straws as a Charm. Dan M‘Kenzie 353
Pre-Animistic Stages in Religion. Edward Clodd . . 354
Staffordshire Folklore. T. E. Lones 355
The Religion of the Andaman Islanders. A. Lang 492
The History of the Destruction of the Round Table. Jessie L. Weston 497
Candles Burnt on Christmas Night for Luck. Carey Drake 499
Upper Congo Charm against Leopards. A. E. Scrivener 499

Whitley Stokes. Eleanor Hull 356
James Bruyn Andrews. G. Laurence Gomme 500

Cecil J. Sharp. English Folk-Song. Some Conclusions. C. S. Myers 97
W. Johnson. Folk-Memory; or. The Continuity of British Archaeology. W. Crooke 101
Juul Dieserud. The Scope and Content of the Science of Anthropology. A. C. Haddon 102
Arthur J. Evans, etc. Anthropology and the Classics. W. Crooke 103

A. W. Mair. Hesiod. Alfred Nutt 105
C. S. Boswell. An Irish Precursor of Dante. Eleanor Hull 107
J. Gwenogoryn Evans. The Text of the Black Book of Carmarthen. Alfred Nutt 110
J. Verdam. Ferguut. Jessie L. Weston 114
Killis Campbell. The Seven Sages of Rome. W. P. Ker 115
Edith F. Carey. A Link with the Past (“Souvenir Normand”) L. E. Broadwood 116
Fra Dansk Folkemindesamling, Meddelelser og Spörsmål. B. M. Cra’ster 120
R. Wessmann. The Bawenda of the Spelonken (Transvaal). E. Sidney Hartland 122
Mervyn W. H. Beech. The Tidong Dialects of Borneo. A. C. Haddon 123
Emmanuel Cosquin. Le Lait de la Mère et le Coffre Flottant. A. R. Wright 124
I. C. Strehlow. Die Aranda und Loritja-Stämme in Zentral-Australien, II Teil. N. W. Thomas 125
R. R. Marett. The Threshold of Religion. F. B. Jevons 235
J. G. Frazer. Psyche’s Task. W. Crooke 241
Winifred M. Parker. Gaelic Fairy Tales. Eleanor Hull 242
Frederick Starr. A Bibliography of Congo Languages. A. E. Scrivener 243
Karl Weule. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethnographischen Forschungsreise in den Südosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas. N. W. Thomas 244
A. C. Hollis. The Nandi: their Language and Folklore. A. Werner 246
Shaikh Chilli. Folk-Tales of Hindustan. A. Longworth Dames 248
Richard Gordon Smith. Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan. A. R. Wright 249
Basil Thomson. The Fijians. W. H. R. Rivers 252
A. Lang. The Origin of Terms of Human Relationship. W. Crooke 255
R. A. S. MacAlister. Two Irish Arthurian Romances. Jessie L. Weston 361
K. Meyer. The Instructions of King Cor mac Mac Airt. Alfred Nutt 363
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Völuspa. Albany F. Major 366
Joseph T. Wheeler. The Zonal-Belt Hypothesis. M. Gaster 367

Gunnar Landtman. The Primary Causes of Social Inequality. W. Crooke 369
B. Ilg and H. Stumme. Maltesische Volkslieder im Urtext mit Deutscher Übersetzung. Hans H. Spoer 371
Hermann G. Harris. Hausa Stories and Riddles. G Merrick 374
Knud Rasmussen. The People of the Polar North. A. R Wright 376
R. Campbell Thompson. Semitic Magic. Its Origins and Development. M. Gaster 379
W. L. Hildburgh. Japanese Household Magic. A. C Haddon 383
Jessie L. Weston. The Legend of Sir Perceval. W. P. Ker 501
Julius Pokorny. Der Ursprung des Arthursage. Sir John Rhys 503
Johannes Hertel. Tantrākhyāyika, die älteste Fassung des Panchatantra. Charles H. Tawney 504
Arnold van Gennep. Les Rites de Passage. E. Sidney Hartland 509
Hermann L. Strack. The Jew and Human Sacrifice. M. Gaster 511
Emmeline M. Plunket. The Judgment of Paris, and some other legends astronomically considered
Oskar Dähnhärdt. Sagen zum Neuen Testament. W. H. D Rouse 514
Arnold van Gennep. Religions Mœurs et Légendes. B. C. A Windle 515
Sac. Cristoforo Grisanti. Folklore di Isnello. Vol. II. 516
E. K. Blümml. Die Tiroler Bauern-Hochzeit: Sitten, Bräuche Sprüche, Lieder und Tänze, mit Singweisen 516
Y. T. Woo. Chinese Merry Tales . A. R Wright 517
Mary Hayes Davis and Chow-Leung Chinese Fables and Folk Stories A. R. Wright 517
Léon Wieger. Folk-lore Chinois Moderne A. R. Wright 517

Short Notices:—
William Wells Newell. Isolt’s Return 127
E. J. Bourhill and J. B. Drake. Fairy Tales from South Africa. E. Sidney Hartland 128
Edward Wilmot Blyden. African Life and Customs 128

List of Plates:—
I. Superstitions and Survivals amongst Shepherds. To face page  64
II. Do. do. „ „ 68
III. Amulets from Costers’ Barrows in London, Rome, and Naples 70
IV. Nāga House, Showing Head Decoration 132
V. Kabui Nāgas 134
VI. Mao Nāga Chief 136
VII. Willong Stones 138
VIII. Marām Nāga 140
IX. Hunting Fetish Drum from Lower Congo 181
X. Hunting Fetish Cross from Lower Congo 182
XL Musical Instrument of Ndembo Society, Lower Congo 198
XII. “Straw-bear,” Whittlesey 202
XIII. Do. do. ... „ „ 203
XIV. Roumanian Easter Eggs 294
XV. Do. do. ... „ „ 296
XVI. Do. do. ... „ „ 298
XVII. Do. do. ... „ „ 300
XVIII. Do. do. ... „ „ 302
XIX. Congo Fetish Figures 312
XX. Sundal . . . . . 314
XXI. Typical Lushai Village . . . „ „ 388
XXII. Zal-Buk or Bachelors’ Sleeping-house . . „ „ 390
XXIII. Darbilli, Fanai Chieftainess 392
XXIV. Festival of the Bones of the Ancestors 394
XXV. Fanai Chief 396
XXVI. Stone at Champhai 396


P. 295, l. 2, for Murgoei read Murgoçi.
P. 303, l. 36, for Murgoei read Murgoçi.
P. 328, l. 36, for Yulevolds read Julevoldene.
P. 329, l. 26, for Yulevolden read Julevoldene.
P. 435, l. 10, for details read others.
P. 441, l. 2, add (Callaway, Nursery Tales etc. of the Zulus, p. 5).
P. 448, l. 1, for Häyna read Hyäne.
P. 454, l. 19, for ng’omaka read ng’oma ka.
P. 454, l. 20-21, delete brackets.
P. 495. l. 14, for Bundjel read Pundjel.