Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/596

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lam ; and Tees river) ; eggs broken for luck, 217 ; killing spider brings rain, 217 ; rainbow charm, 217 ; salt sprinkled in new house, 217

Dust : not to be removed from clothes, Lower Congo, 471

Dwarfs: India, 337; Norway, 315-6, 3238, 330-5

Dwarf-striking, Norway, 323

Eagle : in folk-tales, Scotland, 242-3

Eagle-hawk : in myth, W. Aus. , 341

Earlsferry : tradition of Macduff, 92

Earlston : firstfooting, 482 ; wapin- schaw, 482

Earth : amulets must not touch, Kin- cardineshire, 232 ; clods in charm, Norway, 323 ; luck destroyed by touching. Lower Congo, 44 ; origin of man from, Assam, 391-3, Eskimo, 377, Greeks, 423, 425, 429

Earthquake : in folk-tale, Assam, 134; myths of cause, Assam, 395

Earthworm : in folk-tale, Assam, 390, 395. Eskimo, 377

Easter eggs : Cheshire, 206 ; Durham county, 74 ; Hungary, 300 ; Rou- mania, 295-303 (plates); Ruthenians, 300 ; Servia, 300

Easter Monday : archery contest, Lancashiie, 206; boys' caps stolen, Durham, 74 ; eggs eaten, Cheshire, 206 ; tansy pudding eaten, Cam- bridge, 79

Easter Sunday : eggs rolled and girls' shoes stolen, Durham, 74

Eastertide : {see also Easter eggs ; Easter Monday ; Easter Sunday ; Easter Tuesday ; atui Good Friday); pace-eggers. Bury, 204, 207

Easter Tuesday : tansy pudding eaten, Cambridge, 79

East Indies : (see also Borneo ; Java ; and New Guinea) ; relation of peoples to Malays, 123

East wind : in weather prognostic, St Benedict's Day, Worcestershire, 345

Eccleshall : firstfooting, 222 ; omens, 220-2 ; whooping-cough, cures for, 221

Eckenstein, Miss L. : Personal Amu- lets (European), 131

Eclipses: cause, Assam, 391, 393-5, 418-9, Lower Congo, 58

Edda, 366-7

Edinburgh : amulets, 232 ; folk-song, 86

Editorship of Folk-Lore, 7-8

Egbo society, 104

Eggs : (see also Easter eggs) ; smashed by blindfolded boy for luck, Dur- ham county, 217

Egypt : folk-tale, 125

Elder-tree : unlucky to burn, Wor- cestershire, 343

Elephant : in folk-tales, Assam, 389, Chinyanja, 444, Malays, 85, Swa- hili, 442-5 ; tail hairs as amulets, 3

Elephantiasis : from breaking food tabus. Lower Congo, 308

Elf-shots, see Fairies

Elginshire, see Keith

Elixir vitae ; Lower Congo, 58 ; sake of youth, Japan, 251

Elsass : mountain dairies, beliefs about, 324

England : (see also South Downs ; and tinder names of counties) ; Sharp's English Folk-Soug re- viewed, 97-101; Johnson's Folk- JMemorv ; or. The Continuity of British Archceology xe\\tvied, IOI-2

English Folk-Song, by Cecil J. Sharp, reviewed, 97-101

Ennoki : rain stayed by selling ivory,


Entada scandens : cutting angers Biliku, Andamans, 263, 268-9

Epilepsy : amulet against, 513

Eskimo : Rasmussen's The People of the Polar North reviewed, 376-9

Esperance Bay : folklore, 340-2

Essex, see Newport

Etruscans : places struck by lightning sacred, 484

Euahlayi tribe : All-Father belief, 94, 493 ; totemism, 230

Eve : as Easter-egg pattern, Rou- manians, 302 ; in tradition, Ireland,

359 Evil eye : amulets against, Italy and London, 71 (plate) ; charm against, Lower Congo, 473, Sussex, 65 ; from fetish. Lower Congo, 473 ; pastor can chase away, Norway, 322 ; in salmon fishing, Norway,

Evil spirits, see Demons and evil spirits

Ewe tribes : folk-tale, 444

Exeter: ashen faggot burnt, Christmas

Eve, 489-90 Exhibition of Italian Ethnography at

Rome in 1911, by E. S. Hartland,
