Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/594

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Daramulun, 95

Daria, wind, Andamans, 260

Darlaston : local taunt, 355 ; sweep- ing luck out, 220

Dawley : in Gothamite stories, 220 ; moon-rakers, 220

Day, Miss G.E. N. : Scraps of English folklore, 222-3

Day of Atonement : tales told to High Priest, 278

Days and Seasons : All Fools' Day, 223 ; April, 223 ; Ascension Day, 373, 489, 491 ; August, 90 ; Bishu Jatra festival, 337 ; Candlemas Day, 343> 345 ; Carling Sunday, 74 ; Chaitra month, 213 ; Christmas Day, 488 ; Christmas Eve, 333, 345,482,489-90; Christmas Night, 499 ; Christmastide, 74, 79, 220, 296, 322, 333, 343, 345.482, 489-90 ; Day of Atonement, 278; December, 74, 220, 296, 322, 333, 343, 345, 482, 488-90 ; Easter Monday. 74, 79,206; Easter Sunday, 74; Easter- tide, 74, 79, 204, 206, 295-303, 346; Easter Tuesday, 79 ; February, 79, 130, 212; Friday, 218, 221, 346; Good Friday, 346 ; Holy Thursday, 345. 349; Januar}% 73. 202-3, 222, 317-8, 343, 345, 481-2, 488; Lent, 74, 80-1, 203, 344; March, 345, 483-4; May, 75, 81-2, 223, 343, 4S8-9 ; May Day, 223 ; Michael- mas Day, 343 ; Mothering Sunday, 203, 206 ; New Year's Day, 73, 222, 317-8, 345, 481-2; New Year's Eve, 345, 488-9 ; November, 79, 204; Oak-apple Day, 4S9; October, 74-5, 207, 343; Palm Sunday, 74, 80-1; Plough Monday, 202; St Benedict's Day, 345 ; St Maria's Day, 297; Saturday, 327, 344, 348; September, 75, 343 ; Shrove Tues- day, 72, 121, 206 ; Spring, 514 ; " Straw-bear Tuesday, "202-3; Sun- day, 74, 80-1, 203, 206, 207, 327, 344; Thursday, 327, 345, 349; Week, 34, 41, 465

Death and funeral customs and be- liefs : {see also Ghosts ; Graves ; and Omens) ; boxwood cast into graves, Westmoreland, 223 ; burial at cross-roads, 88-9, Lower Congo, 475 ; burial at sunset, and on cer- tain days. Lower Congo, 60- 1, 465 ; burial customs, Fiji islands, 155; burial in trees, Assam, 133, 136 ;

burning property of gipsy, 353 ; cakes, Yorkshire, 349 ; corpse burnt to destroy evil spirit, Lower Congo, 55 ; corpse laid on straw, after- wards burnt, Norway, 320 ; corpse maimed and tied to disable spirit, W. Aus., 93 ; death always caused by witchcraft. Lower Congo, 52, 56, 58 ; death delayed by Evil Spirit, Norway, 321 ; death, origin of, Eskimo, 377, Nandi, 247 ; gifts placed on grave, Scarborough, 233 ; head-hunting for funeral rites, Assam, 136 ; head removed by gipsies, E. Europe, 353; left nostril plugged with straw, Eskimo, 377-8; mattress burnt, Sweden, 320 ; mes- sages given to departing spirits, Lower Congo, 59 ; amongst Nandi, 247 ; parishes divided into funeral " biddings," Westmoreland, 222-3 ? property buried with dead. Lower Congo, 56 ; rosemary thrown into graves, Shropshire, 219 ; stakes driven through corpse killed by fetish. Lower Congo, 475 ; tabus, Eskimo, 377-8 ; tokens of dead destroyed. Lower Congo, 61 ; wives and slaves buried with chief. Lower Congo, 56

Death Customs of the Aborigines of Western Australia, and the Spirits, The, by J. Ceredig-Davies, 93-4

Deccan, see Poona district

December, see Christmas Day ; Christ- mas Eve ; Christmas Night ; Christ- mastide ; and New Year's Eve

Deer : in folk-tale, Assam, 394 ; water-deerlet in folk-tales, Sierra Leone, 211

Deity, conceptions of : Africa, 493 ; All-Father beliefs, 94-5, 257-71, 492-7 ; Andamans, 257-71, 492-7 ; Australia, 94-5, 493-7 ; Lower Congo, 56

Delagoa Bay : folk-tale, 441

Deluge legends: Assam, 391-2, 395-6; Eskimo, 377 ; Lower Congo, 58-9

Demagri : folk-tales, 389-91

Demons and evil spirits : {see also Devil; aw^/Jinns) ; amulets against, Japan, 384 ; anthill a refuge from, W. Aus., 340 ; blows at, smite one- self, W. Aus., 340; cause lunacy. Lower Congo, 40 ; cheated by re- moving victim, Lower Congo, 186;