Index:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu

Title Folk-Lore, Volume 22
Author various
Year 1911
Publisher David Nutt, for The Folk-Lore Society
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Volumes Page scans for

The Folk-Lore Journal 1883–1889.

Index: Vol 1, 1883Vol 2, 1884Vol 3, 1885Vol 4, 1886Vol 5, 1887Vol 6, 1888Vol 7, 1889

Folk-Lore; a Quarterly Review 1890–

Index: Vol 1 (1890)Vol 2 (1891)Vol 3 (1892)Vol 4 (1893)Vol 5 (1894)Vol 6 (1895)Vol 7 (1896)Vol 8 (1897)Vol 9 (1898)Vol 10 (1899)Vol 11 (1900) ... Vol 13 (1902)Vol 14 (1903)Vol 15 (1904)Vol 16 (1905)Vol 17 (1906)Vol 18 (1907) ... Vol 20 (1909)Vol 21 (1910)Vol 22 (1911)Vol 23 (1912)Vol 24 (1913)Vol 25 (1914)Vol 26 (1915)Vol 27 (1916)Vol 28 (1917)Vol 29 (1918)Vols 30 & 31 (1919 & 1920)Vols 32 & 33 (1921 & 1922)

Pages (key to Page Status)
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Shilo: a Devonshire Folk-Tale. W. P. Merrick 48
A Folklore Survey of County Clare (xi). Thos. J. Westropp 49
Fifty Hausa Folk-Tales (31-6). A. J. N. Tremearne 60
Mianwali Folklore Notes. A. J. O’Brien 73
Armenian Folk-Tales (5). J. S. Wingate 77
A Folklore Survey of County Clare (xii-xv). Thos. J. Westropp 203
A Few Norwegian Proverbs. E. E. Speight 213
Fifty Hausa Folk-Tales (37-41). A. J. N. Tremearne 218
Indian Folklore Notes, III. W. Crooke 229
Courted by the Devil: a Perthshire Folk-Tale. M. G. Underwood 330
A Folklore Survey of County Clare (xvi-xviii). Thos. J. Westropp 352
Fifty Hausa Folk-Tales (42-5). A. J. N. Tremearne 341
Rain-Stopping in Manipur. J. Shakespear 348
Armenian Folk-Tales (6). J. S. Wingate 351
A Folklore Survey of County Clare (xviii). Thos. J. Westropp 449
Fifty Hausa Folk-Tales (46-50). A. J. N. Tremearne 457
Manipuri Proverbs. J. Shakespear 473
Armenian Folk-Tales (7-8). J. S. Wingate 476

“Totemism and Exogamy.” Edward Westermarck 81 A. Lang 91
Qu’est-ce que le Totémisme? A. van Gennep 93
Calendar Customs of the British Isles. The “Brand” Committee 232
Institut Ethnographique International de Paris 233
Chinese Tree-Worship and Trial by Ordeal. A. R. Wright 233
The Beaver and “Foundation Sacrifice.” A. F. Chamberlain 235
Burning Elder-Wood. The Rev. R. M. Heanley 235
Holly for Whip-Stocks. M. Peacock 236
Parish Gleanings from Upton St. Leonard’s, Gloucestershire. Margaret Burne 236
Playing the Wer-Beast. J. O'May 239
Unlucky Meetings. T. E. Lones 241
Folk-Lore Society’s Place of Meeting. F. A. Milne 362
“Totemism and Exogamy.” E. S. Hartland 362

Calendar Customs of the British Isles: Report of the “Brand” Committee. H. B. Wheatley 485
“Totemism and Exogamy.” G. Laurence Gomme 486
Do. do. A. Lang 488
“Momia,” a Ceremony of the Jews of Aleppo. A. M. Spoer 491
Mother-Right in Early Greece. H. J. Rose 491
Do. do. A. Lang 494
Somersetshire Folklore. A. F. Major 495
Virgins’ Garlands. C. S. Burne 496

Reviews : —
A.van Gennep. La Formation des Légendes. E. S. Hartland 105
W. I. Thomas. Source Book for Social Origins. W. Crooke 108
P. Sébillot. Les Joyeuses Histoires de Bretagne. E. S. Hartland 109
Mitteilungen des Verbandes Vereine für Volkskunde. H. H. Spoer 110
Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde. H. H. Spoer
R. Brandstetter. Renward Cysat. L. E. Broadwood
Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde. L. E. Broadwood 114
S. Grosimund. Volkslieder aus dem Kanton Solothurn. L. E. Broadwood
G. M‘C. Theal. The Yellow and Dark-Skinned People of Africa South of the Zambesi. E. S. Hartland 117
H. Parker. Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Vol. I. W. Crooke 123
A. Ker. Papuan Fairy Tales. W. Crooke 125
W. M‘Clintock. Along the Old North Trail: or Life, Legends and Religion of the Blackfeet Indians. A. C. Haddon 126
A. Aarne. Die Zaubergaben. M. Gaster 242
Ch. Beauquier. Faune et Flore Populaires de la Franche Comté. A. M. Spoer 244
O. Dähnhardt. Natursagen, Band III. W. H. D. Rouse 246
R. Kühnau. Schksische Sagen, Vols. I. and II. W. H. D. Rouse 248
Λαογραφία. W. H. D. Rouse 248
M. Hamilton. Greek Saints and their Festivals 250
T. Norlind. Latinska Skolsånger i Sverige och Finland. L. W. Faraday 251
C. W. Hobley. Ethnology of A-Kamba and other East African Tribes. A. Werner 252

R. E. Dennett. Nigerian Studies or the Religions and Political System of the Yoruba 261
R. F. Johnston. Lion and Dragon in Northern China. A. R. Wright 263
J. Macgowan. Chinese Folk-Lore Tales A. R. Wright 263
J. Macgowan. Chinese Folk-Lore A. R. Wright 263
T. C. Hodson. The Nāga Tribes of Manipur. W. Crooke 266
P. M. Sykes and Khan Bahadur Ahmad Din Khan. The Glory of the Shia World. A. J. O’Brien 268
Gaudefroy Demombynes. Les Cent et Une Nuits. W. F. Kirby 377
A. C. Lee. The Decameron. W. F. Kirby 378
W. Schmidt. Die Stellung der Pygmäenvölker in der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. F. B. Jevons 378
L. Gougaud. Les Chrétientés Celtiques. E. Hull 380
Kwartalink Etnografioncy Lud. B. Malinowski 382
E. Torday and T. A. Joyce. Notes Ethnographiques sur les peuples communément appelés Bakuba, ainsi que sur les peuplades apparentées.—Les Bushongo. E. S. Hartland 386
N. W. Thomas. Anthropological Report on the Edo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria. E. Torday 391
E. Saphir. Takelma Texts 398
R. B. Seager. Excavations in the Island of Pseira, Crete 398
J. G. Frazer. The Golden Bough. Parts I-III A. van Gennep 497
A. van Gennep. Religions Moeurs et Légendes : Essais d’Ethnographie et de Linguistique. (Troisième Série). E. S. Hartland 506
J. Français. L’Église et la Sorcellerie. M. Gaster 509
A. Mosso. The Dawn of Mediterranean Civilisation. W. Crooke 510
J. Ceredig Davies. Folklore of West and Mid-Wales. C. S. Burne 511
P. Y. Sébillot. La Bretagne Pittoresque et Légendaire. E. S. Hartland 513
Národopisný Věstńik Českoslovanský. L. C. Wharton 515
J. H. Weeks. Congo Life and Folklore. A. R. Wright 517
E. Nordenskiōld. Indianlif. R. Karsten 519
S. Endle. The Kacháris. W. Crooke 520
C. G. and B. Z. Seligmann. The Veddas. W. Crooke 522

C. Gopalan Nair. Wynad: Its Peoples and Traditions. F. Fawcett 524
G. C. Wheeler. The Tribe and Intertribal Relations in Australia. E. S. Hartland 526
J. Bolte, K. Krohn, A. Olrik, and C. W. von Sydow.' FF Communications (1-6). A. R. Wright 529

Short Notices:—
K. Haddon. Cats’ Cradles from Many Lands 128
H. Hermannsson. Islandica, Vol. III. Bibliography of the Sagas of the Kings of Norway, and related Sagas and Tales. L. W. Faraday 270
F. Heinemann. Bibliographie National Suisse 271
W. W. Skeat. The Past at our Doors: or The Old in the New around us 271
M. and N. Tremearne. Fables and Fairy Tales for Little Folks or Uncle Remus in Hausaland 272
A. C. Parker. Iroquois Uses of Maize and other Food Plants 272
Canadian Folk-Lore Society. First Annual Report 399
M. B. Mirehouse. South Pembrokeshire. Some of its History and Records 399
Bye-Gones relating to Wales and the Border Counties 400
A. Stapleton. All about the Merry Tales of Gotham 400
A. C. Haddon. History of Anthropology 530
A. C. Haddon. The Wanderings of Peoples 530
W. W. Skeat. The Place-Names of Berkshire 530

Index 531
List of Plates:—
I. Bushongo Hunting Fetish “Tambo” To face page 42
II. Bushongo “Nyenge” Mask 44
III. Corbehagh. Killone: St. John’s Well and Altar 52
IV. Wartstone, Doughnambraher. Inscription, Glenfahan. Kinallia Altar and Stones 54
V. Killeany Church, Co. Clare 56
VI. Stones, Cullaun and Magh Adhair. Ennis Amber Bead 58
VII. The Mṣalla outside Bäb FtsÖh at Fez 132
VIII. Hérma at Marráksh 170

IX. Clare Wren Boys To face page 206
X. St. Senan's Tree with Rag Offerings, Kiltinanlea. 210
XI. Tree near Ning Ching, Chihli 232


P. 210, l. 23, for 505 read 550.
P. 210, l. 27, for Glenseeade read Glensleade.
P. 210, l. 28, for Inakerstown read Quakerstown.
P. 211, l. 7, for Kilmaduan read Kilmacduan.
P. 211, l. 9, for Braighdean read Baighdean.
P. 211, l. 30, for Kilnemona read Kilnamona.
P. 213, l. 21, for Milltown read Miltown.
P. 263, l. 18, for Weiger read Wieger.
P. 313, l. 25, for lla read all.
P- 335, l. 1, for and read well.
P. 335, l. 4, for Kilcameen read Kilcarrach.
P- 335, l 10, for Drimeliky read Drimelihy.
P. 338, n. 20, l. 1, for Boulinrudda read Boolinrudda.
P. 338, n. 20, l. 6, for Boulynamwella read Boulynanweela.
P. 340, l. 20, for Craigbrien read Cragbrien.
P. 341, l. 9, for Donal read Donogh.
P. 377, l 23, for in the East read in the East.