Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/395

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Collectanea. 359

and glues it on with saliva. Then the Prince proceeds towards the city, and the eagle flies back to her young.

As the Prince is hastening along he meets a shepherd. He begs him to give him the lining of a sheep's stomach. This he draws over his head, and it turns him into a Katchlig (a bald-head). He enters the city, and there he learns that the King's sons are celebrating their wedding and that the King, his father, is going to wed his betrothed. His heart is smitten with fear, but what can he do ? He enters the market, and, going to a goldsmith, asks, — "Won't you engage me as your apprentice?" The goldsmith looks at Katchlig, and, after pondering the question, consents, and says, — " Very well, come on, Katchlig." The same day the King's servants bring a load of silver and gold to this goldsmith, and say, — "You are to make a golden cat and a golden mouse playing about in a golden tub."

" I will make the creatures," said the goldsmith, " but I cannot give them life and make them play about."

" We don't know (how that may be)," say they ; " but these are the King's orders. His betrothed wishes it so," he says. " "If you don't have them made (for me) I won't marry you," she says." Then they leave him and go away. The goldsmith is in the depths of despair. He doesn't know what to do. He cannot make them ; yet if he does not he loses his head. Then Katchlig speaks up and says, — "Master, what are you brooding over? Why are you troubled ? " His master tells him how it is. " Don't worry," says Katchlig. "Go bring me two okes^of filberts, and four okes of walnuts, and I will make them to-night."

" Oh, you son-of-a-dog, Katchlig!" cries his master. "As though my trouble isn't enough for me, you must go and make fun of me ! "

" No, Wallah ! (I swear)," says Katchlig. " Go bring the walnuts and filberts, and in the morning come and find what you wish."

Then the goldsmith does as Katchlig has asked. Can he sleep that night ? Every time he comes to listen he hears Katchlig cracking nuts and eating. Just before dawn Katchlig produces his ring, and, making a sign to the fire, says, — " I ask you, and

■ ** An oke is 2.83 lbs.