Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/398

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FoLK-LoRE Society's Place of Meeting.

Members will please note that the evening meetings of the Society will in future be held in the Mocatta Library, Uni- versity College, Gower Street, W.C, instead of 22 Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W., as heretofore.

F. A. Milne, Secretary.

"Totemism and Exogamy."

{Ante, pp. 81-104).

I have already expressed {Man, 191 1) my admiration for Prof. Frazer's Totemism and Exogamy, though not without raising certain critical difficulties on portions of his argument. It seems super- fluous, therefore, to say that I am in whole-hearted agreement with every word of praise and gratitude with which Dr. Westermarck prefaces his criticisms in the March number of Folk-Lore. On the other hand it is undeniable that the criticisms made by Dr. Westermarck demand consideration. In what follows, therefore, I address myself not so much to Dr. Frazer's work as to some of Dr. Westermarck's objections.

He takes issue on the "statement that the totemic tie is sometimes deemed more binding than that of blood. When the totemic group," he asks, " is identical with a social unit based on a common descent, either through the father or through the mother, how can we decide whether the strength of the tie which