Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/307

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Short Notices. 271

circa 820 to 1280. No reference is made to Icelandic sagas, a bibliography of which has already appeared in Vol. I.; their inclusion here would have involved much repetition, for the accounts of the emigration and of the visits of Icelanders to Norway, though they sometimes throw sidelights on Norwegian history, vary very little. The arrangement of the material, which includes sagas from Denmark, Sweden, and the Norse settlements, is good and clear. A bibliography of the legendary Fornaldar Sogur is promised. L. W. Faraday.

Bibliographie National Suisse. Repertoire methodique de ce qui a ete public sur la Suisse et ses habitants. Fasc. v. (Habi- tants): 5 (Hisioire de la Civilisation et de Folklore): 2" cahier (2de partie), (including Sorcellerie et prods de sorcellerie); 3^ cahier, Mytheset Traditions. — Legendes. Contes et Fables; 4^ cahier, Usages ecclesiastiques et religieux. Redige par le Dr. Franz Heinemann. Berne: K.-J. Wyss, 1909-10. 8vo, pp. xxxvi -1-484, xxi-|-2ii, xvi -1-195.

A FINE piece of work, carried out on a broad plan. It is easy to criticise details of the scheme of any bibliography, but it would be ungracious to offer anything but praise in return for so valuable a gift to the inquirer as these three volumes, whose contents are arranged according to subject and date, and, where helpful, further divided according to locality. Such a bibliography will be an immense help to the preparation of a definitive Folklore of Switzerland.

The Fast at Our Doors: or The Old in the New around us. By Walter W. Skeat. Macmillan, 191 1. Globe 8vo, pp. xi + 198. 111.

Mr. Skeat refers to " the almost incredible fact that there is no adequate Folk Museum in this country," and in this freely illus- trated brochure gives us a literary substitute for part of such a museum by sketches of the history of many survivals in "common " things connected with food, dress, and our homes. He considers national dress, in particular, from a racial point of