Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/155

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Vol. XXII.] JUNE, 1911. [No, II.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1911. The President (Mr. W. Crooke) in the Chair.

The minutes of the December meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Mr. E. H. Crooke, Mr. R. H. Crooke, Mrs. Greenaway, Mr. H. S. Kingsford, Mr. G. Roheim, the Rev. J. R. W. Thomas, Miss D. Torr, and Mr. A. L. Whitehorn as members of the Society, and the admission of the Omaha PubHc Library and the Fulham Public Library as subscribers to the Society, were announced.

The resignations of the Countess Amherst, the Rev. A. C. Dawson, Mr. Halliday Sparling, and Mr. M. S. Thompson were also announced.

Miss D. H. Moutray Read read a paper entitled " Hampshire Folklore." In the discussion which followed Mr. E. Lovett, Miss Burne, the Rev. R. M. Heanley, Mr. Torday, Major O'Brien, Mr. F. G. Green, and the President took part. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Miss Moutray Read for her paper.