Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/17

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During the past year fifty new members have joined the Society, and one library has been added to the roll of sub- scribers. On the other hand the Council have to record the ddaths of five members, while there have been as many as fifteen resignations. It is satisfactory to note that no library has withdrawn its subscription. The number of libraries and kindred institutions subscribing to the Society being only 146, the Council are of opinion that the list ought to be largely increased, and request members to use any influence they may possess in that direction. The list of members and subscribers has been carefully revised, and the total number now stands at 453.

Among those of whom the Society has been deprived by death are Lord Avebury, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Society, who became a member in 1880, only two years after its formation, and the Hon. George Wyndham. A vote of condolence with Lady Avebury, passed at the meeting of the Society held in June, has been recorded in the minutes, which will be found printed in the September number of Folk-Lore.

Meetings of the Society have been held as follows, viz. :

\i^th January. "Old Dorset Customs and Superstitions." Mr. H. Pouncy.

19M February. (Annual Meeting.) Presidential Address: "Methods of Investigation and Folklore Origins." Mr. W. Crooke.

\(jth March. " Bringing in the Fly." Mr. Percy Manning.

"British Calendar Customs." Miss C. S. Burne.