Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/167

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table in the corner, while all her girl friends sat round. In came the bridegroom, aged 17 years, led by the best man by a handkerchief, looking very shy and unhappy. The best man then bargained with the girls to get up and let the bridegroom sit by the bride. There was a great deal of noise, and at last they agreed to move for 30 kopeks each. No sooner had the girls got up than six or seven little boys took their places. They also had to be bribed to move; at last they accepted 10 kopeks each, though reluctantly. The groom then sat by the bride, who held his handkerchief; she also had one. After that healths were drunk, all out of one glass, the father of the bride and the official weeper being the only members of the bride's family taking part. The others only looked on. Then the bride and groom together were blessed first by the bride's father, then by the mother. He was dressed more or less like a European, all except a very large, many-coloured, many-ended tassel, sticking out under his coat behind. This looked very ludicrous when he prostrated himself. At the bridegroom's house, before he goes to get the bride, there is singing and rejoicing; they are acquiring a new member, whereas the other family are losing one.

They then drove to church, where there was another couple, also very young. They held each other's handkerchiefs all the time, and were led forward when necessary by them. Huge royal-looking crowns were placed on their heads, and after the ceremony they went all round the church kissing the eikon. On their return from church they went first to the bridegroom's house, where they feast, then to the bride's, where they are received with joy by the parents, who do not go to church. Sometimes this takes two days. We begged to be excused from this part of it, as meals in this part of the world are not altogether an unmixed pleasure.

D. E. W.