Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 29, 1918.djvu/173

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at the end of the article. It supplies the authorities for the quotation as to the manner of determining the length of the reign of the Turkish kakhan in ancient days. These authorities are Klaproth and W. Radloff, to whom I refer in the misplaced note on p. 405. The quotation is from Klaproth. Both writers refer to the Chinese originals vaguely without naming their authorities. I can now add that the passage is translated from the Chinese in substantially the same way by Stanislas Julien in his Documents Historiques sur les Tou-Kioue (Turcs) traduits du Chinois (Paris, 1877), p. 8. J. G. Frazer.

Easter Church Ceremonies.

Dear Sir,
I should be very much obliged to you for references to any works dealing with Eastern church ceremonies in Southern Italy. The ceremony I am anxious to learn about is one performed in Ischia, and I believe in former years also in Naples. It is remarkable because after its conclusion the people let free a large number of captured birds.

Department of Comparative Anatomy,
The Museum, Oxford.